Good buddy Dave - You are the catalyst of 222 activity.
But Possum QSOs don't count, and you're buying the beer !
73 Ron WZ1V
----- Original Message -----
From: David Olean <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 22:16:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [NEWSVHF] 222 MHz Activity night
> I worked a bunch of stations this evening. I worked most of the stations
> listed by GB Ron. I missed trying with W1AUV and W2BYP, but got
> everyone else plus WW1Z, WA1MBA, WA2JAY and ended up with 27 stations
> and 28 Qs as I worked W8ZN (485 miles) on CW early with weak signals but
> then copied him very loud on FT8 later in the evening. Best QSO was
> WA3EOQ at 502 miles and he was Q5 and 529 for the entire time that I
> heard him. This is unusual but similar to three weeks ago when Howard
> was very loud over that long path. I am not sure what to make of it as
> local signals were often times a bit weak. K3GNC was great copy on
> SSB with his 16 watts. I must have caught Jerome on a good QSB peak. He
> dropped down as we finished the QSO. All in all, it was great evening
> with many signals and not enough time to try with everyone. My walk down
> the hill was interesting as I encountered a rather big possum and it
> just turned around and I followed it home. I was a bit upset that his
> home was next to my home.
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
> On 2/25/2025 9:11 PM, Ron Klimas WZ1V wrote:
> > Good turnout on 222 tonight - Logged the following:
> > AA2SD FM29, K1WHS FN43, WA1NLG FN41, W2BYP FN13,
> > K1PXE FN31, KC1V FN31, N1SV FN42, W9KXI FN12,
> > W8ZN FM09, KC1DWH FN41, N1YCQ FN41, WA1MBA FN51,
> > W1TR FN31, W1AUV FN32, WA3NUF FN20, KA3FQS FN20,
> > WB2SIH FN31, K1FSY FN31, K1FMS FN32, WA3EOQ FM09,
> > KI2L FN32, W1AIM FN34, WB2RVX FM29, N1MIW FN41,
> > K3GNC FN20, and KC2KAE FN20. TNX for the QSOs.
> >
> > 73 Ron WZ1V
> >
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