K7XC/R - Quick Summary - Jan 2003 VHF Sweepstakes
What a contest! Just a quick posting of the final score. More complete
comments after a few days rest!
K7XC/R - OPs were Tim - K7XC and Tim - NS9E.
Bands - 6, 2, 222, 432, and 1296. New was 1296 which had it's share of
problems but did OK.
Route - DM04, DM14, DM15, DM05, CM95, DM06, CM96, CM97, CM87, CM88, CM98,
CM89, CN80, CN90, DM09 for a total of 16. (Dropped DN00 as not
enough time left)
Summary - Band by Band breakdown....
Band Qs Gs Ps
50 Mhz - 136 18 136
144 Mhz - 211 22 211
222 Mhz - 96 13 192
432 Mhz - 149 19 298
1296 Mhz - 23 8 92
Totals - 615 80 929
Bonus for grids traveled = 16
Final Score - 929 x 96 = 89,184
Fun Event! Thanks to all who took the time to work us troughout our travels!
A more complete summary of our experiances will follow in a few days...
73s de Tim - K7XC/R - DM09ol... sk