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[VHFcontesting] If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium

To: "222 >> 222Activity@groups.io" <222Activity@groups.io>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>, "NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 11:07:11 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
That was the name of a Hollywood movie from the late 1960's. It was actually a pretty good comedy movie about a European 10 day bus tour.   I would like to alter that title for our purposes. If it's Tuesday this must be Bedlam.  I am hoping for some very high activity tonight on the 222 MHz band.. The weather has moderated with no tornadoes visible out your shack window and few instances of rain static to be heard emanating from your radio.  I have it on good authority that W8ZN will be active from his mountaintop perch in Virginia.  His elevation is about the same as that of Pack Monadnock in New Hampshire. Many national VHF contests were won from that 2300 ft location. I know That I will be looking out for Terry .

There was a hint of aurora last night, but the night before had some significant AU. Only problem was that it happened in the middle of the night during the peak of the Perseids. Everybody and his mother were all chasing those "rocks" or "rox" on 144 MHz and no amount of persuasion could change their habits. I was aimed Northward and CQing on 222.100 at 0500-0600 and heard nothing. The K Index was at 7.  It was cloudy, but I could see some brightness across the north.  Later on, towards dawn, I ran a 222 MHz MS sked with Rick, W5EME over an almost impossible path of 1460 miles or 2350 km. Nothing was heard on either end. I also checked for Aurora and detected nothing. I made some CW calls on 222.100.  All in all, it was very frustrating. I had another sked set up but my sked partner apparently bailed on me. So not much to report about the Perseids. I can report that low power may not be a limiting factor if you have a good antenna on the other end. I copied W0AAT at 1220 miles with 85 watts and AJ6T at 1000 miles with about 30 watts.

I hope to be on 222.100 + or -  starting at a few minutes before 23:00 UT this evening. That is about 7 PM local time here in Maine. I will monitor ON4KST Chat and hope to find lots of action on the band.   CU there I hope..  I'll be wearing my hat.

Dave K1WHS

Let's Make 222MHz Great Again

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