The Worldwide TV FM DX Association (WTFDA) e-mail list has an interesting
discussion going on right now that I thought might be interesting to "port" to
our lists. The question is fairly simple--How would you rate the 2008 Sporadic
E Summer Season compared to others?
The grading scale is also simple. A, B, C, D, F. Just like grade school!
Since I started this, I'll go first. Well, I can't...can I? I have no
experience to compare it to, other than past TV DX seasons. From late May to
about June 20th, I'd give it a "B+" or "A" since it seemed to be open daily
here. Sometimes, like during the June contest it bordered on spectacular.
Since about June 20th, I'd have to give it a "C-". It's like someone flipped a
switch here. Minimal, short lived openings or none at all. I hope the rest of
July isn't like this.
I'm mostly interested in hearing from all of you...since it will give me a
better barometer to judge all this with. What's your grade for the season so
Les Rayburn, N1LF
Les Rayburn, director
High Noon Film
100 Centerview Drive Suite 111
Birmingham, AL 35216-3748
205.824.8960 fax
205.253.4867 cell
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