On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Locust,
> Slow down and contemplate for minute... what part of Writelog's
> current behavior is getting in your way? Are red letters all that
> scary? Nothing about Writelog as it is right now keeps you from working
> and logging dupes all you want. You can simply not use the conditional
> "QSO B4" macro switchy-thingy (%B I think?) You can ignore the red
> letters in the QSO entry window. You can safely ignore the big red 'D'
> by the sequence number in the log.
> Which one of those things, exactly, is slowing your run rate?
"RED" signifies "Danger, Will Robinson", and should ONLY show up to alert you
to a problem. If working dupes are not a problem, then there should be no
"RED" message mucking up the screen ;-)
It also boils down to avoiding confusion in SO2R operation (especially if you
swap RUN and S&P radios back and forth for various reasons)...like after 20
hours in the chair and you start getting blurry eyed. You only want to see a
"Danger Message" where you want it in use.
There may also be times when one wants the dupe checker ON with the RUN
radio...in the early hours of the contest (or vice-versa). Having to manually
go type in %BSRI QSO BR%B or remove it vs. clicking on one radio button or hot
key combination if you want to go from OFF to ON is an efficiency matter.
If I don't care about working dupes, I don't want to see anything in Red show
up ;-( Having some kind of Hot-Key option for ON/OFF is the best, because if
you switch from RUN to S&P on the same radio on the same band, being able to
turn on the %b...%b function (already in the message slot) without a bunch of
screwing around with menus and typing boils down once again to "efficiency".
INefficiency of ANY type can slow down rate(s).
In a contest, "every second counts" (if one is serious).
Make sense???
Tnx & 73...
Rick, K6VVA (Tedonitis now calling for me to QRT tonight...too much typing)
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