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[WriteLog] WL CW Keying Enhancement

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] WL CW Keying Enhancement
From: "Eric Hilding" <dx35@hilding.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:35:19 -0700
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
*** SSB Operators please press your DELETE key  ***

I've been wanting to make this suggestion for a long time, and finally getting 
around to it.  During this past Field Day, the need became even more apparent.

Computer generated keying is great, but with certain combinations of letters, 
can create many unnecessary requests for repeat of a callsign at higher speeds 
(not every CW op on the planet always copies well).

Part of my Field Day time was spent at the local CDF (California Division of 
Forestry) EOC facilities where I took my TS-480S & WriteLog to help make some 
CW QSOs for them.  The callsign used was W6HUL.

About 15% to 20% of the time, if I called a station, they came back with W6SUL. 
 Many ops seemed to have difficulty with a "6" and an "H" next to each other.  
It became highly frustrating.  Even when I slowed down, the problem was still 
there much of the time.  If I went to the paddles and included a bit of extra 
spacing between the 6 and the H, things were better.

Over a year ago I suggested the following mod to Tree for TRlog, but don't know 
if he incorporated it yet or not since I'm currently using WL for both CW & SSB.

In addition to helping deal with the "6H" problem, over the last year I've 
notice more ops reverting to the good old fashioned "bug".  Some are very 
skillful, and some are very QLF.  Personally, I like the keying nuances and 
rhythmic feel skilled ops bring to the art of CW using a bug, because I used 
one for so many years.

My friend Jim Neiger, N6TJ, can always tell when I am sending with regular 
paddles (non-bug) vs. a computer, because I add a little extra spacing between 
some of the letters.  If I call stations with the paddles, I also notice fewer 
requests for callsign repeats compared to computer keying (unless they are 
sharp contesters who recognize my call).

So what is this leading to?

IMHO, we CW ops need the ability to incorporate "differential spacing" into the 
WL CW Message fields.  Trying to solve the "6H" problem by putting a full space 
between the 6 and the H doesn't cut the mustard.  It turns out ugly ;-(

Different people with different letter/number combinations in their callsigns 
need different spacing options.  I don't know if the curly braces are used for 
anything else in WL, but if so, some other symbols could be used.  I'll just 
use them here as an example.

Basically, the number 1 (One) would be current normal WL CW keying.  A ".75" 
would be a shorter spacing, whereas "1.25" would be a longer spacing (between 
characters/numbers sent).

In my case, I'll ballpark the following example from a WL CW Message line for 
illustration purposes only:

%C k{1}6{1.25}v{1.2}v{1.3}a

Of course, if no {} curly brackets, regular spacing would apply.  Having the 
ability to use 3 places past the decimal (i.e., 1.237) would really provide for 

At 35WPM or higher speeds, depending upon a person's callsign makeup, the 
ability to fine-tune and add subtle differential spacings between the 
characters/numbers as desired is an extremely valuable enhancement.  Further, 
it can help get some "uniqueness" back on the CW bands vs. 99% of everyone 
sounding the same.  Personally, I yearn for the W4KFC, DU7SV, et.al CW fist 

Taking things to the next level, adding the ability to vary the "weighting" 
and/or shorten or elongate characters being sent would be absolutely 
incredible.  One could really create a unique non-run-of-the-mill "Electronic 
Fist" vs. the standard old HO-HUM everybody-sounds-the-same CW being spit out 
of any computer logging programs on the bands today.

Umh, since I got the royal flame treatment over my past "Crusades" involving 
other CW enhancements as well as added SSB WL Voice-Keying functionalities, I 
expect this to be no different.  "Rolls Royce" functionality is not for people 
who are comfortable with a VW...but that's OK.

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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