I had a problem with RFI on my PacketCluster node computer a while ago. The
RFI was getting in on a serial port and causing excessive interrupts. The
computer ran slow whenever I keyed my HF transmitter. I suspect the
servicing of the serial port interrupts slowed down the computer. The
solution was to put 6 ferrite beads on the serial cable, and no more slow
73 de Ron NĂ˜AT
> Yep.
> >
> > Here is a summary of what we have, so far.
> >
> > * Several suggested that RFI might be the culprit. This is always a
> > possibility, and my keying line is longer than previously due to the
> > computer being on the floor. This is not difficult to check out and I have
> > plenty of beads, but I suspect this will not prove to be the problem. In
> my
> > shack, 10m and 160m have had problems in the past, but I spent most of my
> > time in WPX on 15 and 20.
> Have seen it come in on the keyboard line, LPT line, etc. It may simply b
> RFI getting
> into th computr and affecting keying, not a direct effect of RFI on the
> keying circuits.