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Re: [WriteLog] urgent writelog rigblaster plus cw rtty HELP

To: ve2lx <ve2lx@sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] urgent writelog rigblaster plus cw rtty HELP
From: John E Bastin <jbastin@sssnet.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 11:31:01 -0400
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
On Oct 5, 2005, at 8:58 AM, ve2lx wrote:

> Thank you so much to John for rapid help
> but I want answer fron other member of writelog group
> Reason: after I have bought the unit I spent almost 1.5 hrs on long  
> distance
> call ( near $20 ) with rigblaster owner to be told there is no  
> reason for
> the rigblaster plus not to work with all 3 jumpers on the board  
> ( dtr for
> ptt... txd for rtty...and rts for cw) on that model.They  
> ( RIGBLASTER ) say
> it is a problem of the WRITELOG software CONFIGURATION and it  
> should accept
> these 3 jumpers at the same time.

W-e-l-l-l I hesitate to blame WriteLog, because I also use WinWarbler  
for FSK when I'm not in a contest, and have the same experience with  
that software.

The one thing both programs have in common is that they are both  
using the MMTTY engine to generate FSK.

Perhaps we should look at the MMTTY configuration for a solution?

Once I worked out the hardware modification that I described, I had  
my solution, so I quit looking. Perhaps now I will dig a little  
deeper into the software to see if another solution to the problem  
can be found there. I've got to believe that if the people at West  
Mountain are so sure that it should work, they must have some  
documented examples where it does.

> Urgent because I will return back the unit to Worldradio if it is not
> possible

Perhaps someone else on the list has made this setup work, and can  
give us both another solution.

> help again from others writelog member
> VE2LX and, for VE2SB Daniel
> ----------------------------------------

John E Bastin, K8AJS

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John E Bastin" <jbastin@sssnet.com>
> To: "ve2lx" <ve2lx@sympatico.ca>
> Cc: <writelog@contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] writelog rigblaster plus cw rtty HELP
>> On Oct 3, 2005, at 9:58 PM, ve2lx wrote:
>>> In other words we can not operate RTTY and CW while leaving both  
>>> CW  and
>>> RTTY cables on the rigblaster and on the good radio connectors   
>>> for those
>>> modes and leaving the CW and the RTTY on the rigblaster  board at  
>>> the
>>> same  time...we must remove the CW or the RTTY.
>> I ran into this exact problem when setting up to operate both CW  
>> and  RTTY
>> with my FT1000MP and the RigBlaster Plus. Here's an excerpt of  my
>> solution that I posted on a couple of lists (including this one, I
>> believe, a year and a half or so ago):
>> "Having gotten this far, I decided that the way to solve the  
>> problem  was
>> to put in an additional switch for the DTR on Key jumper. I   
>> drilled a
>> small hole in the side of the RigBlaster Plus cover and  installed  
>> a small
>> SPST toggle switch. I ran wires from this switch to  the DTR on  
>> Key jumper
>> terminals on P5. When I want to do CW, I throw  the switch to  
>> close the
>> jumper on DTR on Key. When I want to do FSK,  I switch it the  
>> other way,
>> removing the jumper on DTR on Key. TXD on  Key is jumpered all the  
>> time."
>> Hope this helps.
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