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References: [ +from:py5eg@inepar.com.br: 44 ]

Total 44 documents matching your query.

1. [3830] RES: CQ160 SSB VY2ZM(K1ZM) Single Op HP (score: 1)
Author: PY5EG <py5eg@inepar.com.br>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 08:59:04 -0300
Congratulations granpa Oms --Mensagem original-- De: webform@b4h.net [mailto:webform@b4h.net] Enviada em: segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2005 07:43 Para: 3830@contesting.com; K1ZM@aol.com Assunto:
/archives//html/3830/2005-02/msg01769.html (9,150 bytes)

2. RES: [3830] All Asia SSB KH6ND(@KH7R) SOAB HP (score: 1)
Author: "PY5EG" <py5eg@inepar.com.br>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 18:17:43 -0300
Congratulations for fb!! record. 73 Oms PY5EG --Mensagem original-- De: 3830-bounces@contesting.com [mailto:3830-bounces@contesting.com]Em nome de webform@b4h.net Enviada em: ter&ccedil;a-feira, 16 d
/archives//html/3830/2003-09/msg00417.html (9,076 bytes)

3. [3830] Is this info still accurate? (score: 1)
Author: "ATILANO" <py5eg@inepar.com.br>
Date: 28 Jul 2003 18:12:25 -0000
3830, I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update me with your latest contact info. Click the following link to correct or confirm your information: https://www.plaxo.com/edit_contac
/archives//html/3830/2003-07/msg00658.html (7,909 bytes)

4. [3830] ARRL 10 ZW5B(@PY5EG) M/S HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 03:36:00 -0800
ARRL 10-Meter Contest Call: ZW5B Operator(s): OH2MM, PY2YU,PY5EG,PY5CW Station: PY5EG Class: M/S HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 36 Summary: Band QSOs Mults -- CW: 1819 170 SSB: 1822 179 -- Tota
/archives//html/3830/2002-12/msg00700.html (6,779 bytes)

5. [3830] CQ/RJ WW RTTY ZW5B(DJ6QT) SOAB HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 17:43:30 -0700
CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY Call: ZW5B Operator(s): DJ6QT Station: PY5EG Class: SOAB HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 42 Summary: Band QSOs Pts State/Prov DX Zones -- 80: 3 6 0 3 3 40: 129 3
/archives//html/3830/2002-10/msg00107.html (7,078 bytes)

6. [3830] CQWW SSB ZW5B(@PY5EG) M/2 HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 12:04:10 -0800
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Call: ZW5B Operator(s): PY5EG, PY5CC, PY1KN, N5FA, N5ZO Station: PY5EG Class: M/2 HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 48 Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries -- 160: 3 2 2
/archives//html/3830/2002-10/msg00869.html (6,978 bytes)

7. [3830] WAE SSB ZW5B(@PY5EG) M/S HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 06:03:52 -0700
WAE DX Contest, SSB Call: ZW5B Operator(s): PY5EG, PY2YU, PY2NDX, PY3MM, PY5GU Station: PY5EG Class: M/S HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 48 Summary: Band QSOs QTCs Mults -- 80: 22 0 72 40: 166 2
/archives//html/3830/2002-09/msg00317.html (6,994 bytes)

8. [3830] SAC SSB PY5EG SOAB HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 05:28:50 -0700
Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB Call: PY5EG Operator(s): PY5EG Station: PY5EG Class: SOAB HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 18 Summary: Band QSOs Mults -- 80: 1 1 40: 48 25 20: 67 28 15: 105 30
/archives//html/3830/2002-09/msg00562.html (6,689 bytes)

9. [3830] WPX SSB ZW5B(PY5EG) SOSB10 HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 03:36:52 -0800
CQWW WPX Contest, SSB Call: ZW5B Operator(s): PY5EG Station: ZW5B Class: SOSB10 HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 35 Summary: Band QSOs -- 160: 80: 40: 20: 15: 10: 3390 -- Total: 3390 Prefixes = 1
/archives//html/3830/2002-04/msg00020.html (6,752 bytes)

10. [3830] CORRECTION: WPX SSB ZW5B(PY5EG) SO(A)SB10 HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 06:44:27 -0800
CQWW WPX Contest, SSB Call: ZW5B Operator(s): PY5EG Station: ZW5B Class: SO(A)SB10 HP QTH: BRAZIL Operating Time (hrs): 31 Summary: Band QSOs -- 160: 80: 40: 20: 15: 10: 3390 -- Total: 3390 Prefixes
/archives//html/3830/2002-04/msg00040.html (7,033 bytes)

11. [3830] RE: (Araucaria) ZX5J ARRL PHONE 10M HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 07:55:41 -0300
Ola Sergio: Meus parabens pelo score. Vamos torcer. Atilano ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 2002 Call: ZX5J Country: BRAZIL Mode: SSB Category: Single Operator HIGH POWER BAND QSO QSO PTS STATES/PRO
/archives//html/3830/2002-03/msg00477.html (8,146 bytes)

12. [3830] CQWW SSB ZX0F M/S HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 07:15:24 -0500 (EST)
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Call: ZX0F Operator(s): PY5EG, PY5CC, N5FA, PY0FF, YU1RL Station: Class: M/S HP QTH: FERNANDO DE NORONHA Operating Time (hrs): 48 Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries -- 16
/archives//html/3830/2001-11/msg00105.html (7,141 bytes)

13. [3830] WAE SSB ZW5B M/S HP (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (py5eg@inepar.com.br)
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 22:44:14 -0400 (EDT)
WAE DX Contest, SSB Call: ZW5B Operator(s): PY2KC,PY5EG,PT2/YU1RL, PY3MM, PY5GU Station: PY5EG Class: M/S HP QTH: Operating Time (hrs): 48 Summary: Band QSOs QTCs Mults -- 80: 36 32 40: 205 42 20: 71
/archives//html/3830/2001-09/msg00143.html (7,108 bytes)

14. [3830] WAEDC CW ZW5B MULTI SINGLE (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 23:09:48 -0300
Hi Folks: This is our summary sheet. 2001 +- WAE CW CONTEST -+ CALL: ZW5B ARAUCARIA DX GROUP Multi-Op. Single Transmitter (All band only) QSOs QTCs Multipliers 80m: 122 0 144 40m: 411 483 132 20m: 54
/archives//html/3830/2001-08/msg00251.html (7,115 bytes)

15. [3830] PY5EG SINGLE OP SSB (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 11:39:49 -0300
2001 NCJ North American QSO Party CALL USED___PY5EG____________ MODE _PHONE_ ARRL SECTION or COUNTRY_BRAZIL______ Valid QSOs multipliers _X___ Single operator 160 80 40 37 21 20 222 52 15 180 51 10 1
/archives//html/3830/2001-08/msg00355.html (7,183 bytes)

16. [3830] IARU - ZW5B MULTI MIX (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 21:01:16 -0300
2001 IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ITU ZONE 15 CALL USED __ZW5B ARRL SECTION or COUNTRY_BRAZIL [x ] Multioperator Mix If multioperator, list calls of all operators and loggers: PY5CC, PY5EG, PY1KN, PT2/
/archives//html/3830/2001-07/msg00127.html (7,363 bytes)

17. [3830] ARAUCARIA DX G. ZW5B MULTI SINGLE (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 07:44:46 -0300
Hi Friends I forgot to mention that our Club is ARAUCARIA DX GROUP Please add this information. Regards Oms PY5EG -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830 Submissions: 3830@contesting.com Ad
/archives//html/3830/2001-07/msg00187.html (6,547 bytes)

18. [3830] ARI CONTEST PY5EG SOAB SSB (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 07:49:45 -0300
Hi folks: This is the New S.A. record claimed Score. Was nice to operated for the first time the ARI Contest. Oms PY5EG CALL: PY5EG Country X - B. Single OP., SSB QSOs Points DX: Provinces 160m: 0 0
/archives//html/3830/2001-05/msg00018.html (7,414 bytes)

19. [3830] ZW5B - MULTI SINGLE WPX CW (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 23:14:44 -0300
2001 MODE:__CW__ CQ World-Wide WPX Contest CALL: ZW5B BRAZIL LOCATION Multioperator Single Transmitter Band QSOs QSO points Prefixes Score: Rest periods (Single Operator 160m: 0 0 80m: 11 53 7 40m: 4
/archives//html/3830/2001-05/msg00097.html (7,290 bytes)

20. [3830] ZX0F MULTI SINGLE (score: 1)
Author: py5eg@inepar.com.br (PY5EG)
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 11:41:04 -0300
Araucaria dx Group log for ZX0F MUlti Single Fernando de Noroonha Is. CQ World-Wide WPX Contest CALL: ZX0F Fernando de Noronha Island LOCATION CLASS: Multioperator High Power X Single Transmitter Ban
/archives//html/3830/2001-04/msg00001.html (7,402 bytes)

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