ARRL RTTY Round Up 2000 Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR QSO's PNT's QTH DX SCORE W0SD MOST HP 1281 1281 61 55 148,596 K9NS MOST HP 1162 123 142,926 OT0E MOST HP 1087 1087 53 67 130,440 KE7AJ MOST HP 10
I'm not too sure about the class, so if I have it wrong, let me know and I'll fix it. TARA RTTY SPRINT 1999 Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR SCORE W7NN SOAB HP 23408 WA9ALS SOAB HP 12342 WA0SXV SOAB HP
I'm not too sure about the class, so if I have it wrong, let me know and I'll fix it. TARA RTTY SPRINT 1999 Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR SCORE W7NN SOAB HP 23408 N2WK SOAB HP 16030 WA9ALS SOAB HP 12
Hello All, Please be patient with the score summaries. I am having problems digging out the information from the zip files. Do not use my summaries as an indication that your logs have not been recei
First, let me apologize for being so long getting this first summary to y'all. I have just upgraded my internet machine to WinJunk98, and am fighting the learning curve, and the stupidity of the "new