- 221. Re: [Amps] trying to understand 1296 cavity amp (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 20:36:17 EST
- I don't know if anyone other than you and I are interested in this so any uninterested parties please hit your delete key and I apologize. You are right Gary, there is no physical d.c. connection. Th
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-11/msg00217.html (12,692 bytes)
- 222. Re: [Amps] 2x 4cx1500b amp (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 10:34:07 EST
- Felipe, you can change hv as you described. The results will depend on how you intend to use the lower voltage. If your plan is to lower the voltage AND plate current together to run less rf power, t
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-11/msg00301.html (8,038 bytes)
- 223. Re: [Amps] Fw: Electricity costs (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 23:15:25 EST
- So Dave, is that how you became "sootydave"? 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 12/8/2009 9:36:47 P.M. Central Standard Time, sootydave@yahoo.com writes: Well i see the funny side of that. In the UK
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-12/msg00242.html (9,052 bytes)
- 224. Re: [Amps] "Stacking" power supplies?? how? (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:10:19 EST
- You might want to look up the connecting wire resistance per foot. Some length will provide the small voltage drop mentioned by Bill. 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 12/15/2009 10:40:09 A.M. Centr
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-12/msg00340.html (7,421 bytes)
- 225. Re: [Amps] Russian Power Tubes (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:17:02 EST
- There is a wealth of info on Russian tubes at: _http://www.nd2x.net/base-1.html_ (http://www.nd2x.net/base-1.html) . 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 12/15/2009 11:05:50 A.M. Central Standard Time,
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-12/msg00342.html (8,002 bytes)
- 226. Re: [Amps] Russian Power Tubes (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:10:04 EST
- A few of the VHF builders have removed part of the GS35B anode cooler to reduce the height. I have no idea how far one can go with this concept but it is mucho larger than an 8877 by comparison. 73,
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-12/msg00378.html (10,911 bytes)
- 227. Re: [Amps] Alternative cooling strategies for SB-220? (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:26:53 EST
- You can narrow it down to only 10 issues by referring to the yearly index in the December issues in those days. 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 12/17/2009 2:17:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, mauso
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-12/msg00493.html (9,726 bytes)
- 228. Re: [Amps] Variac repairs (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 22:16:43 EST
- Steve, I have seen that smoking variac problem a couple of times and both times were due to my wiring error. If you somehow connect 120vac between the wiper and one end of the winding, as you rotate
- /archives//html/Amps/2009-12/msg00548.html (8,382 bytes)
- 229. Re: [Amps] trouble shooting Hunter 2000c (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 14:17:53 EST
- Perhaps the new transformer has lower resistance windings, causing higher turn on current flow and welded the switch contacts in a closed condition? Does that amplifier have a surge limiting circuit
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00056.html (7,710 bytes)
- 230. Re: [Amps] HV connector (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 03:34:33 EST
- SHV connectors for RG8/RG213 are available from Pasternack. SHV connectors are longer than MHV, offering greater safety when disconnecting. In addition to the coax mounted connector, there are also c
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00132.html (8,861 bytes)
- 231. Re: [Amps] which HV connector to use? (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 03:55:50 EST
- You are most fortunate Hardy. In addition to having the Millen connectors breakdown and turn into a resistor over time (at 4kv/8877), I was very nearly turned into an SK when the B+ wire broke off of
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00134.html (14,261 bytes)
- 232. Re: [Amps] which HV connector to use? (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 20:52:52 EST
- Ryan, I have purchased RG8 size SHV connectors from Pasternak Enterprises for about $30 as I recall. 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 1/14/2010 10:21:43 A.M. Central Standard Time, foster.ryan@gmai
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00190.html (9,292 bytes)
- 233. Re: [Amps] Chimney's (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:01:39 EST
- I have had good results rolling my own teflon pipe from .040 thick sheet with the overlap secured by a couple of small pop rivets. The .040 thickness is probably over kill but was available at the ti
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00191.html (7,134 bytes)
- 234. Re: [Amps] Source GU-84B fil xfmr (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:06:53 EST
- Roy, even though no inrush protection is called for, it can't hurt anything. Over a 35 year period of using an 8877 on 2m EME I have lost two tubes; both had an open heater. I have to believe a surge
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00192.html (7,939 bytes)
- 235. Re: [Amps] 4CX300a Seal Leaks (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 22:00:42 EST
- John, this where you pull out your trusty hv leakage tester and check for leakage between the anode and screen grid. If there is onset of leakage at a voltage of 1000vdc or so, there is a very high l
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00216.html (8,944 bytes)
- 236. Re: [Amps] filament choke screws (score: 1)
- Author: texasrf@aol.com
- Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 09:38:33 EST
- Cut the screw with a Dremel tool? 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 1/17/2010 7:52:49 A.M. Central Standard Time, cchedrick@gmail.com writes: Hi all, Still working on the Hunter 2000C. It burned the
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00236.html (7,032 bytes)
- 237. Re: [Amps] Massive transformer (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 14:56:42 EST
- Hi Gary, your transformer was designed to use a filter choke followed by modest C type filter. With this type filter you should be able to supply several hundred milliamperes of current. You might wa
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-01/msg00306.html (7,760 bytes)
- 238. Re: [Amps] water cooled 160m amp. (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 23:39:19 EST
- Jim, if you look art the curves for any of these tubes you will notice that the plate voltage swing can't be allowed below four or five hundred volts without excessive grid current (or screen current
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-02/msg00291.html (8,212 bytes)
- 239. Re: [Amps] resistor before the cap redux (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:08:31 EST
- Jim, did you test using the Mag transformer with the larger AC wiring? Did you test using the Dahl transformer using the smaller AC wiring? In other words, how much of the problem is caused by the 12
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-02/msg00295.html (11,452 bytes)
- 240. Re: [Amps] Results from new PSUD... resistor b4 the B+ filter caps ! (score: 1)
- Author: TexasRF@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:22:49 EST
- One last question: Does the resistor in the secondary provide any benefits over a proper value resistor located in the primary circuit? 73, Gerald K5GW In a message dated 2/11/2010 8:55:31 A.M. Centr
- /archives//html/Amps/2010-02/msg00310.html (11,812 bytes)
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