Does anyone know anything about the Panasonic Inverter Microwave Ovens. Could it be that they are using a high voltage inverter or just control filament to limit power output? The advantage of these
I may have answered my own question. This is in a letter from Panasonic. Moreover, because the bulky transformer is replaced by the compact Inverter circuit, it's possible to have a spacious oven int
Since I had no replies I just picked one up from WalMart. It has an interesting HV power supply. In fact I could not tell which was heavier, the packaging or the microwave oven after unpacking it and
It appears that the primary is resonant with a capacitor across it. It must be a sine or ringing inverter which would explain why they only use one really big transistor (IGBT has G, E, C connections
I have thought about fabricating a device to protect tubes. Eimac claims that if your crow bar circuit will protect a piece of #30 copper wire under short conditions it will protect the tube. What if
IF FOR USE ON HF OLD STYLE LOCTAL TUBE SOCKETS WILL WORK. 73 Bill wa4lav Regarding the use of 4CX 250's in linears, one of the possible constraints might be the costs associated with the purchase of not s
I disagree. In the two tone situation the screen current is fluctuating at the difference frequency of the two frequencies. And if you should chose the frequency difference to be the lowest audio fre
Not so hard, simply pick off a small bit of signal and put it into a balanced mixer with associated crystal oscillator (14.318MHz easily found) and lowpass output and put into your sound card. Use FF
The specifications for the 4-250A are the same as the 4-400A except for the plate dissipation. The 4-400A has fins added to the anode. I prefer the 4-250A tubes when I have an amplifier with a window
My first experience with real anode glow was when I built my fist amplifiers as a teenage ham.I first acquires a old AM transmitter in Miami, Fl at a store called Ham Shack Electronics ( I think).Thi
For one thing the transmitters that used these tubes were mostly used in fixed communications sites. Or in Shelters that were placed at some location and did not move often. 250th tubes were shipped
With easing up on the requirements to get a HF license. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a spot to operate. Some would interpret 6KHz bandwidth limit for SSB to mean that splatter is ac
At 04:44 PM 8/26/2004 -0700, R.Measures wrote: AM is a waste of electric power, and bandwidth. What next, spark transmitters? Yes, the original Ultra Wide Band (UWB). Older is not always better. Rich
Actually I said 5 KHz audio bandwidth which is 10Khz RF bandwidth. But I am surprised no one read the rest of my email. I expected to get some responses to the issue about CW bandwidth. And I conclud
Am I repeating myself? I was answering the Question: What next, spark transmitters? Yes, the original Ultra Wide Band (UWB). 73 Bill wa4lav At 05:14 AM 8/27/2004 -0700, Joe Isabella wrote: Actually,
Another problem that they did not address is when you transmit QRO a whole area goes out because of overloading problems with the Analog to Digital converters in the Modems. 73 Bill wa4lav At 06:01 A
Sometimes that seems to be the case. Figure a transmitter using a 1000 watt Plate input triode class C push-pull amplifier. At 75% efficiency you would have 750 watts output power. But remember your
At 01:03 PM 8/27/2004 -0700, Vic Rosenthal wrote: Normal AM and SSB are ways of modulating RF directly from an audio signal. Adding a digital encoding step (and corresponding decoding in the rx) allo
Well, That brings up a thought. Here in the US we can't hear all the US stations at once due to the fact that many are in our skip zone. But how does it sound to the DX stations that are receiving a