- 161. Re: [Amps] input matching question on the YC156? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:32:12 -0400
- Bill, In any amps I've made, I did kill the B- lead for the HV until the antenna relay pulled in even though it was biased to cutoff on idle. The reason being is that if the bias ever failed while th
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00295.html (8,885 bytes)
- 162. Re: [Amps] input matching question on the YC156? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 13:58:58 -0400
- Hal, The plate and a screen voltage if needed was killed the same time as the antenna relay opened. It was then applied as the antenna relay closed. Now this was using a smaller tube type (4CX250B) t
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00302.html (11,756 bytes)
- 163. Re: [Amps] input matching question on the YC156? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:00:50 -0400
- Peter, Yes your correct. I mentioned doing this because I had success with it using 4CX250B's. But, when you get up into the big tubes, there's a lot of current with the anode voltage to deal with. I
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00308.html (13,991 bytes)
- 164. Re: [Amps] input matching question on the YC156? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 12:44:54 -0400
- Peter, On the bias circuits of most amps I've done had a relay that switched full negative supply voltage on G1 when the amp was idle. When it was keyed, it applied an adjustable regulated supply. Fo
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00321.html (13,358 bytes)
- 165. Re: [Amps] input matching question on the YC156? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 12:47:22 -0400
- Jim, Your correct, it will work also. Just limits the cathode current down on idle. Will Message: 2 Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 14:46:56 -0700 From: "K7RDX" <k7rdx@earthlink.net> Subject: Re: [Amps] input
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00322.html (10,338 bytes)
- 166. [Amps] B- switching. (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 11:28:15 -0400
- Angel, You don't really need a vacuum relay, I used (model# EC12-NC/NO/DT-12-0-5-BD) from a company named Ross Engineering. They make open frame relays with a switching capability of 10Kv @ 450 mA on
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00359.html (8,631 bytes)
- 167. [Amps] AL1200 (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:13:08 -0400
- Dick, There are some fixed capacitors off the band switch to ground that is paralleled with the load capacitor for 80-160 meters. If one of these shorted it would smoke, and the load capacitor wouldn
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00410.html (8,902 bytes)
- 168. [Amps] Transformer steel (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 22:11:48 -0400
- I just learned that Magnetic Metals sold out its EI lam business to Tempel Steel. If you want a good EI catalog with all the formula and dimensions, you better get it now from Magnetic Metals before
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00422.html (6,463 bytes)
- 169. Re: [Amps] 20kw Dummy load? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 11:50:41 -0400
- Hal, Well, if you think about it, most plastics are petroleum based and will burn like crude oil. Just like an old tire burning, black smoke and all. I would have liked to had the picture. That could
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00427.html (8,784 bytes)
- 170. [Amps] Line Sections As Plate Lines (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 14:14:39 -0400
- John, I couldn't see where it said the dimension your giving for the 3/10", 1/4 wave plate line. I tried to look on the QSL link and it would refuse the connection like the site was down. The other l
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00430.html (7,057 bytes)
- 171. Re: [Amps] Line Sections As Plate Lines (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 19:08:23 -0400
- John, I read that and your correct, 53 cm is 20.86614173". I'm thinking they may have just rounded off the number to that, I'm not sure. It's very likely that's what they done as it happens a lot whe
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00432.html (8,804 bytes)
- 172. Re: [Amps] Line Sections As Plate Lines (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 23:32:34 -0400
- Jeff, It can also be affected by the way the stripline is mounted, or how close it is to the surrounding structure. That's what I was thinking they were probably taking into consideration. Just like
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00437.html (8,839 bytes)
- 173. [Amps] 20kw Dummy load? (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 13:36:57 -0400
- Hal, I delved into this once using the large ceramic tubular resistors. They make there in almost any size. I have a air cooled load here that came out of a Harris piece of equipment. It has six 300
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00451.html (13,418 bytes)
- 174. [Amps] Non-inductive resistors (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 23:41:38 -0400
- Since the discussion came up about dummyloads, and I remembered about how non-inductive resistors were wound, I couldn't think of the winding type name in the last post. The type of winding used is t
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00455.html (7,309 bytes)
- 175. Re: [Amps] Non-inductive resistors (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 10:54:05 -0400
- Rich, According to what I read, those Globar and Ohmite resistors were wound with a similar process. I know I seen a cut away of one of those similar to Globar and it had similar windings under the c
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00458.html (12,092 bytes)
- 176. Re: [Amps] Need a variable capacitor (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 11:40:24 -0400
- Bill, Give Oren Elliot a call or Oceanstate Electronics, they're an OE dealer. Oceanstate also carries a lot of surplus air variables so you may find something there. % Kv variable is a big air varia
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00459.html (7,483 bytes)
- 177. Re: [Amps] Non-inductive resistors (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 22:49:56 -0400
- Michael, The Globar may be of a different design. However, theres some made with those types of windings I'm speaking of in ceramic tubular resistors. This is the way the resistors are in this old Ha
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00463.html (18,564 bytes)
- 178. Re: [Amps] Non-inductive resistors (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 13:20:28 -0400
- I went back and decided to post some texts quoted out of the Radio Engineers Handbook. I read on and also found a section termed, "Load Resistors for Absorbing Radio-frequency Power". I'll start firs
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00464.html (10,190 bytes)
- 179. Re: [Amps] Non-inductive resistors (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 23:06:48 -0400
- Marv, Why sure I am. I just wish I knew where the old one went. I still think it grew legs one day I had several visiting my workshop. After that, I couldn't locate it after I went looking. That happ
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00467.html (12,619 bytes)
- 180. Re: [Amps] Non-inductive resistors (score: 1)
- Author: craxd <craxd1@ezwv.com>
- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 15:43:18 -0400
- Mike, For smaller loads, I'd use a Globar resistor also. For the 20 Kw load, and to homebrew one with limited resources, they might look into this. I was thinking about those large grid resistors. If
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-09/msg00473.html (8,822 bytes)
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