The RCA data sheet shows the opposite: 73 Peter, DJ7WW Maybe I have not looked at the data sheets very closely , but I was surprised to find a medium po
Hi Larry, ALC is an input on transceivers, not an output. The output is on the linear amplifier to reduce the output power of a transceiver if necessary by supplying a negative voltage. Modern transc
He should try a decent 6m antenna. 73 Peter, DJ7WW 2022 June 11-13 .. K5AM .. 131 CW QSOs (SSB only 126, digital none) I hope Jim's remarks do not discourage anyone from tuning 50,080 to 50,100 durin
I use similar and also rivet nuts ching-threaded-fasteners/ 73 Peter, DJ7WW Has anybody here ever used ..'PEM NUTS' ?? I h
I paid 80,-DM for a pair in 1999 and never saw a 4CX800. GU74b is specified with 600W anode dissipation. 73 Peter, DJ7WW Hi Guys, could not pass, this, over the price... At least 10 years ago at Frie
With smaller vacuum caps, closer to the grid and only 2" separation between them, Q could be much lower and more L for a proper coil might be used. 73 Peter <I have a bigger coil in my 2m amp and my
I know the BBC video on Youtube. A Q of 22.5 or 20 is not necessary unless the lead length to the tune cap is too long and stray C too high. Here I would use a small vacuum variable with minimum C of
A K of 2 applies only when the tubes are biased for class C. Typically they are run in class B (K=1.8). I use such tubes as well, RS1002A or QB4/1100. 73 Peter, DJ7WW Hello Jim, 4kv. It's about 4.2
It would be a big design fault to use just a single transformer. 73 Peter, DJ7WW Hi Val, That's not exactly true in my power supply. Most of my transformers are individual and I can switch power onto
I don´t see any reason for damage to the output transistors. The typical input impedance of a 3CX3000A is around 50 ohms + a relatively small input capacitance. What Ultra is it? Henry build differen
I would expect cathode and anode RF voltage to be in phase and grid out of phase. 73 Peter ( the input + output of the GG amp are in series, but 180 degs out of phase... _____________________________
DJ7TL uses one as anode supply for his home brew 4CX3000A amplifier. Its a surplus power supply which supplied voltage for a laser before. Scroll down to the bottom of his qrz page: https://www.qrz.c
Do you have photo of your amplifier, especially of the circuitry? I use an amplifier with three tubes in parallel, so a relativ high minimum circuit capacitance and have no problem with 10m at
Hi Lukasz, I use a tube amplifier which I have built in 1975 in a no RCD environment. It uses a 3-phase HV power supply as well as single phase small power supplies. The amplifier is of course ground
I use 2µF and no choke with my 3-phase DB6 power supply and nobody hears any hum. Check with Dr.Alex if you need larger capacitors: 73 Peter, DJ7WW I suspect the original