Out of interest, what's inside the cooling canister on the tube? Are there any special bits to promote turbulence, or prevent hot spots etc? Steve _______________________________________________ Amps
A question as to what should be used here? There's 'silver solder' as used with a torch for brazing. There's also standard pcb solders with added silver content to give them a lower melting point tha
I think it's unusual to want/need grid loading at UHF. Given the reactances in typical tubes, is 1k going to have much effect? At resistances up to 1-200 ohms you can get low inductance in the stripl
Sort of answering my own question from yesterday - the 'silver solder' that Rich supplies is described as Tin-Silver, with 221C melting point. Tin with .5% Copper and 2-4% silver (MP 218-220C) is now
And the linearity should be better. Steve _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list Amps@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps
was derived from 6 813s in push pull parallel... They must have been good ones - at university the club station needed a quad of 4-400s to get there. There again, there was the open wire feeder loss
I'm sure I recall a piece by Bob Pease of NatSemi in his 'Pease Porridge' column in Electronic Design where he talked about adding surge limiter thermistors to lighting circuits and extending bulb li
What might be the burn out mechanism? The thermal time constant of the bulb filament is much longer than the 50/60 cycle applied voltage, so I can't see that it's thermal. Steve _____________________
Me neither - given the coiled spring construction of many bulb filaments I can imagine mechanical resonances at line frequencies, but my experience is that bulbs on dimmers seem to last a long time.
These are custom parts for Icom. As far as I'm aware there is no generic Motorola/MA-Com part that's equivalent. For the hf/6m output stage you could try Semelab D1204UK (distributor Richardson Elect
Sorry, error on my part. Forget the D1204UK. Steve _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list Amps@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps
http://www.werlatone.com/ Steve _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list Amps@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps
A version that could cancel out the guy behind the microphone could be really handy sometimes... Steve _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list Amps@contesting.com http://li
I see lots to like in your idea, but is there a potential problem with thermal stress? Steve _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list Amps@contesting.com http://lists.contest
They all tell lies to some degree or other. In general, the inaccuracies are insignificant in the context of a radio link and life threatening in the context of the operator's ego. Steve ____________
A friend reaised a question and I wondered if folks here might know the answer. Here's a picture of a 5B/254M (a miniature 807) http://www.tubecollector.org/5b254m.htm - there's a lick of paint (or s
Assuming you're running connected as a grounded grid triode, the choke will appear as a shunt inductance to ground - can you simply choose the right capacitor to tune it to parallel resonance on 160m
snip Should you expect to see a 'resonance dip' when varying the load capacitor? Assuming a resitive external load, simplistically, the load cap sets the step up ratio from the external load to what
www.frenning.dk/OZ1PIF_HOMEPAGE/AN749.pdf is a good start for ferrite based combiners. Steve _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list Amps@contesting.com http://lists.contes
Bert Almemo wrote: Hi Tom, What you're saying makes sense. I have an IC-746 driving an IC-2KL and that amp needs about 35-40 watts drive. I'm reducing the drive but maybe that's not the way to go. An