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Total 31 documents matching your query.

21. [Amps] Re: Amps Digest, Vol 2, Issue 8 (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Tue Feb 4 16:29:16 2003
I got several answers to my Q about Ohmite WW resistors, and I believe that one can safely do it with one (harris did) 100W job or several in series, or with a larger 175 or 225 W version, provided t
/archives//html/Amps/2003-02/msg00082.html (6,503 bytes)

22. [Amps] Big Bang in the Thermionic Cosmos - TSPA (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Wed Feb 12 12:54:08 2003
This morning on NPR, heard that scientists have gotten enough data from a new satellite studying kozmic debris to say that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, +/- 1%. Now, I wonder if we hams wil
/archives//html/Amps/2003-02/msg00294.html (16,929 bytes)

23. [Amps] None (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Thu Feb 20 11:14:58 2003
I hope that the black plastic doesn't contain much carbon, Bob. That would make fireworks in a high field. Have you stuck it into a microwave oven for 5 minutes to see if it warms from the dielectric
/archives//html/Amps/2003-02/msg00393.html (7,598 bytes)

24. [Amps] Arc Damage to Grid Wires (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Thu Feb 20 16:11:47 2003
In the paper "Evaluation of Arc Damage to Power Triode Grid Wires" by G. Bronner, J. Murray, and J. Sorrentino (Plasma Physics Lab, Princeton), in Dec 1966 IEEE Trans on Electron Devices, a test setu
/archives//html/Amps/2003-02/msg00395.html (7,892 bytes)

25. [Amps] snapping capacitor case (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Fri Feb 21 11:16:22 2003
Hi Jim Thats a wierd one. I assume that the GE capacitor has two studs on it, and that one is going to ground, or close to ground with a current sensing resistor off ground. It might be possible that
/archives//html/Amps/2003-02/msg00407.html (9,311 bytes)

26. [Amps] Stainless (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Fri Feb 28 12:13:45 2003
Non-magnetic stainless steel alloys will work. Some are magnetic, as can be tested with a small magnet. These are the higher loss stainless steels, in which eddy current heating can be expected. Bras
/archives//html/Amps/2003-02/msg00513.html (6,712 bytes)

27. [Amps] Its not April 1 yet (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Thu Jan 23 14:36:08 2003
OK friends, I know this doesn't fit in with RF power amplifiers, but Tesla's name did come up, and he did build some major RF systems around turn of the last century. Remember those magnets that you
/archives//html/Amps/2003-01/msg00190.html (18,588 bytes)

28. [Amps] high power zener sources (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Wed Jan 29 15:54:26 2003
Two companies come to mind, as sources of higher power (i.e., stud and other metal package) zener diodes up to 50 Watts. Ever since Motorola and RCA pulled out of that business, its been harder than
/archives//html/Amps/2003-01/msg00301.html (6,853 bytes)

29. [Amps] tube ceramics BeO?? (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Mon Aug 18 21:59:15 2003
If this (comment below) is in reference to air cooled ceramic metal CPI/Eimac tubes, this is not normally true with those tubes. The ceramic rings between plate/screen/grid/filament are not BeO but a
/archives//html/Amps/2002-09/msg00399.html (7,594 bytes)

30. [Amps] pink ceramics (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Wed Aug 20 20:34:16 2003
Pink ceramic was high in magnesium content I believe. It came from the Frenchtown ceramic factory, and was used by RCA for many years on their expensive Cermelox tetrodes and other big tubes (up to $
/archives//html/Amps/2002-09/msg00409.html (6,763 bytes)

31. [Amps] sources of tube tester info and sales (score: 188)
Author: jtml at (John T. M. Lyles)
Date: Wed Aug 20 20:34:19 2003
Its all on the web, free advice you would need, plus some for sale. See list below: 73 John K5PRO If you are seriously interested in knowing the ins and outs of tube testers, and which ones were made
/archives//html/Amps/2002-09/msg00410.html (8,108 bytes)

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