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Total 22 documents matching your query.

21. [Amps] FL2100z help needed (score: 196)
Author: sm5dqc at (Osten B Magnusson)
Date: Sun Mar 9 11:21:48 2003
Guess I'm too tired, simple problem but can't solve it. Anyone who can help quickly? The wire from the end of the coil, 160 meter end, going to the bandswitch, at least I think so as it was just a fe
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00369.html (6,732 bytes)

22. [Amps] FL2100z help needed (score: 196)
Author: sm5dqc at (Osten B Magnusson)
Date: Sun Mar 9 15:24:46 2003
Hello Nermin and all other friends including Pete, N4ZR, who also sent an answer to a tired old man who couldn't think clearly! You were right Nermin, or as close as you could be! I didn't solder the
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00387.html (10,567 bytes)

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