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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [Amps] GS-35 being cantankerous (score: 242)
Author: steve at (Steve Maki)
Date: Mon Jun 23 08:19:04 2003
K8GM asked me to post this plea for help... He is playing around with a GS-35, and so far hasn't been able to be happy. The symptom is as follows: As the drive is increased, at some relatively random
/archives//html/Amps/2003-06/msg00185.html (7,496 bytes)

2. [Amps] GS-35 followup (score: 242)
Author: steve at (Steve Maki)
Date: Tue Jun 24 08:57:14 2003
Thanks for all the replies (mostly private e-mails) As it turns out, Len (K8GM) had been aware of the recommended ramp up procedure found at, and followed it with t
/archives//html/Amps/2003-06/msg00202.html (6,604 bytes)

3. [Amps] Looking for zener diodes (score: 242)
Author: steve at (Steve Maki)
Date: Sun Jan 26 09:42:40 2003
Does anyone know a good source for 5w-50w zeners in small quantities? Easy to find in larger quantities but I only need a few. Thanks, Steve K8LX
/archives//html/Amps/2003-01/msg00222.html (6,266 bytes)

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