- 81. Re: [Amps] Need info on adding WARC bands to an old HB 4-1000A amp (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 09:51:35 -0800
- John Becker wrote: I want to put this amp on the WARC bands, but I've heard that the B&W 800 plate choke is self-resonant somewhere close to 12M, and is likely to go up in smoke if I try to tune-up o
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00046.html (8,627 bytes)
- 82. Re: [Amps] Current draw at 110 volts for SB-200 and SB-1000 (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 11:02:32 -0800
- Steve Thompson wrote: The high current 'gulps' I meant are the ones every line half cycle, not at syllabic rate. The line voltage your meter measures tends to reflect a cycle to cycle average, and do
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00048.html (10,370 bytes)
- 83. Re: [Amps] TL-922A - Loud Pop, Blown Fuses (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 14:55:01 -0800
- Clay Curtiss W7CE wrote: I don't have access to a hy-pot tester, but a simple resistance check from filament to grid on both tubes doesn't reveal a short. Filament-to-grid shorts on 3-550Zs are commo
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00090.html (8,859 bytes)
- 84. Re: [Amps] TL-922A - Loud Pop, Blown Fuses (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 12:06:28 -0800
- Mike Clarson wrote: Don't know if the TL-922A has similar problems, but my SB-220 has exhibited evidence of parasitic oscillations, and, when that happens, one gets the ".22 Caliber" pop. It is unpre
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00116.html (9,801 bytes)
- 85. Re: [Amps] Unknown tube amp (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 07:52:39 -0800
- Chris Howard wrote: The PA has two tube sockets. They are a two-pin push-in-and-twist mount. Each also has two plate-cap type connectors, one at the top and one maybe on the side? The physical space
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00180.html (6,781 bytes)
- 86. Re: [Amps] Unknown tube amp (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 09:00:20 -0800
- jeff millar wrote: 833s don't twist and both plate and grid lie on top. The 833A has two big filament pins at the bottom, which can be held by a twist-in arrangement, sort of like the way the pins on
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00183.html (8,020 bytes)
- 87. Re: [Amps] Unknown tube amp (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 12:02:17 -0800
- Chris Howard wrote: Here are the pictures! OK, it's not an 833A because the grid cap of the 833A is the same size as the plate cap and on top. Someone said 304TL, but that has a 4-pin base. -- 73, Vi
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00188.html (8,715 bytes)
- 88. Re: [Amps] Unknown tube amp (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 12:04:21 -0800
- Vic Rosenthal wrote: Someone said 304TL, but that has a 4-pin base. On the other hand, maybe it's a 304TL with the two unused socket pins removed! -- 73, Vic, K2VCO Fresno CA http://www.qsl.net/k2vco
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00189.html (8,760 bytes)
- 89. Re: [Amps] Unknown tube amp (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 13:00:10 -0800
- Dr. William J. Schmidt, II wrote: Yeah now that I look at the pictures, it's either a 250TH or a 450TH... those are the only tubes that will fit. The 304TL doesn't work because it has a dual filament
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00195.html (8,922 bytes)
- 90. Re: [Amps] Tuning (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:11:06 -0800
- Phil Clements wrote: Move the VFO up/down in frequency until your wattmeter reading decreases. That is fairly close to the limit. (for me anyway!) I think several guys were doing this recently on VU4
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00265.html (7,573 bytes)
- 91. Re: [Amps] Amplifier reboots computer (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 12:14:36 -0800
- Dan wrote: Hal, and others .. again thanks for the info. I do believe I need to run two more separate circuits to the shack a 220 and 110 line fromt he breaker box. You a run a 3-wire plus ground cir
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00344.html (7,584 bytes)
- 92. Re: [Amps] KW Rated Low Pass Filter Caps? (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 08:52:53 -0800
- doc wrote: 1. Are the Micas likely to have drifted significantly in value over time? Measure the values. 2. Is 2,500V a sufficient rating for this application? The voltage rating is more than adequat
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00408.html (8,922 bytes)
- 93. Re: [Amps] Henry 2K Classic (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 15:10:56 -0800
- Jose R. Corteguera wrote: I order 2 new tubes and install and tune and load in 20 meters and with 90 W. drive of my FT-920 I obtain 1000 watts. Outside anttena. I make 3 contacts in 20 and 15 meters,
- /archives//html/Amps/2004-12/msg00415.html (7,786 bytes)
- 94. Re: [Amps] 4cx250 (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 12:48:29 -0800
- JWIGHTSR@wmconnect.com wrote: Has any one built a HF amp using the 4cx250 Try this: <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=4cx250+hf+amp&btnG=Google+Search> You'll get 447 hits, and some of them have
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00026.html (6,921 bytes)
- 95. Re: [Amps] OT: Relay questions (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 09:47:08 -0800
- John [ N5BSD ] wrote: I am attempting to locate sealed or enclosed coax relays To try and build a switching system for my station I built an antenna switch using open frame relays. It is in a metal b
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00055.html (7,894 bytes)
- 96. Re: [Amps] AL-80B mods? (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 13:58:45 -0800
- Charlie wrote: My new AL-80B will be here in a few days and I wonder if like the 811H there are some "must have" mods? Anything from Measures on this amp? TY There are no 'must haves'. A soft start m
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00085.html (7,931 bytes)
- 97. Re: [BULK] - Re: [Amps] AL-80B mods? (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 14:45:20 -0800
- a relay several cycles after turn-on), there's not much strain on the power switch and no turn-on thump. -WB2WIK/6 Hmm, I guess this is newish because I repaired one recently and didn't notice it. Or
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00087.html (7,173 bytes)
- 98. Re: [Amps] Link coupling (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2005 08:48:42 -0800
- R.Measures wrote: Ironically, even though the balanced-L network Z matcher was invented by Bell Labs in the 1930s, and E. F. Johnson Co. mfg all of the components needed for a balanced L network ante
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00144.html (7,912 bytes)
- 99. Re: [Amps] Heathkits on 50 Hz.? (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 11:52:51 -0800
- n7ioh wrote: I guess I should have asked before. We were looking at the Heathkit SB-200 or the SB-220 for use on 240 vac and 50 Hz., any problems with these? If so can you recomend a good amp that do
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00184.html (7,365 bytes)
- 100. Re: [Amps] SB-220 and 50Hz and more (score: 1)
- Author: Vic Rosenthal <vic@rakefet.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:47:46 -0800
- W2RU - Bud Hippisley wrote: 3. I operate 99% CW, and have added a 25 - 28 volt (50 watt!) Zener in series with the stock 5.1 volt operating bias Zener when I am on CW. I originally did this because I
- /archives//html/Amps/2005-01/msg00209.html (8,743 bytes)
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