And simple wire (i.e. dipole) antennas. Cheers, Graham ve3gtc IF you really want to level the playing field, and put the CHALLANGE back in, along with a bunch of fun...take the power level down to 10
Good day all, I am not singling Mark out but I am using a snippet of his email (see below) as an example of a number of similar comments I have heard or read on this subject. DX clusters, spotting, p
Thanks to all who have offered their points of view on my query. The discussion has been interesting and makes it clear that for some there is confusion on just what the distinction between ASSISTED
Ken (and all), Yes, great report. I suspect that your comments could be those of just about anyone else as we all are likely subject to the same strengths and weaknesses to varying degrees. I have st
This has been an interesting discussion. There seems to be many different impassioned points of view and from someone who operates primarily QRP these discussions of the use of excessive power seems
Sounds like a creative way to increase air fares without raising the rates. Cheers, Graham ve3gtc My goodness, I wish we had your excessive baggage charges here in Europe! :-) We don't have a 'piece'
Danny, It takes a person of great character to stand up and speak out when they feel something is not right when others are not willing to do so. It takes a person of even greater character to stand
Carol (and all), The intent of your comment is understood. However, I think it is bit misplaced. There are those who operate QRP by choice, they thrive on the challenge and are the better for their s
I heard Eduardo on 10 meters on the weekend. Unfortunately he did not hear my QRP signal calling him. Next time. Cheers, Graham ve3gtc --Original Message-- From: [ma
Craig, Good points and one of things that "bugs" me about some ops during a contest. I either have to wait it out til they ID or move on. Another "bug" is the use of "non-standard" phonetics. Coming
I noticed this trend on the weekend too. It is not new but it does seem to be getting worse. Having an open and frank discussion will not likely change anything as though who are guilty of the practi
This was the first time I encountered split operation in a contest. In fact I stumbled across at least three different split operations. I didn't manage to get my pip squeak signal heard in any of th
I have tried all sorts of different headphones for CW work, some good, some not so good. Lately I have tried a good pair of Sennheiser "earbud" type. Good sound, worked very well but I found them unc
Good evening Rin, Thank you for your comments. Comments so far have been split equally between the HD280 and the MDR7506. It would seem that they are equally like by those who use them. I considered
Good morning Matt (and all), Thank you all for your input on my question. I was out Christmas shopping yesterday evening and took some time to have a "look - touch - listen - try" of many of the curr
Is this really true? I was aware of the change but I thought it was strictly for the purposes of restructuring ARES within Ontario. I will have to check into to this further, thanks for posting. Chee
Good question. Personally, I find some of these types of calls to which you are referring to be "cute" and immediately recognizable if I am familiar with it, that is I hear it as a word or name rathe
An interesting discussion. I operate primarily QRP power and when operating CW many of the suggestions others have made are what I use to try and be heard - zero beating, if that doesn't work then pl
And also don't for the Ontario (Canada) QSO party this weekend Held on the third full weekend of April 1800Z April 21 to 0500Z April 22, and 1200Z to 1800Z April 22 cheers,
Hmmmm, interesting comments. My brain is a CW decoder. I guess I will have to start using a narrower CW filter and stop listening to signals that fall in or near my receivers passband band other than