Anyone know when the results will be published? Thought it was usually first week in January? Steve GW4BLE Sent from my iPhone 5S _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing li
I can relate to this situation here at my SO2R setup, the problem being proximity (closeness) of the antennas to the station. My tower, with TH11 and 402-CD, is almost over the shack. For 10/15/20 I
UKEICC Countdown..... Just a reminder that this *NEW* contest takes place in just four weeks time: 73 Steve GW4BLE o.b.o. the UKEICC Yes, the inaugural event is this weekend, 5th/6th December starting at 1200Z, it's SSB with a separate CW contest in January.
The Full Results of last weekends first UK/EI DX SSB Contest are now available via a link on the homepage. Open cabrillo log files and UBN's of all entrants is available plus a list of
HNY from the UKEICC Team Here's a reminder that the first 80M SSB contest of 2016 is this coming Wednesday, January 6th, at 2000 UTC
Hello CQ Contest The UKEICC team hope you will participate in the new UK/EI DX Contest tomorrow and on Sunday 1200z to 1200z - CW - 80 to 10m. With the K5P and VP8STI DXpeditions QRV over this weeken
Following on from the fun of the HF CW contest at the weekend, here's a reminder that the first UKEICC 80M CW contest of 2016 is this coming Wednesday evening, January 27th. It's just one hour, from
Today, February 3rd, 2000-2100 GMT, 3700-3775 KHz. Exchange is 4-character Grid locator main square e.g. IO91, JN64, etc only, no RST required.
The next series of 1-hour UKEICC 80m contests starts in September - we hope you will consider taking part as an individual or as part of a Team.
Need to give your station one last check-over before the 'Big One' ? then this weekend's UK/EI SSB DX CONTEST provides the ideal opportunity. From 1200 UTC Saturday thru' 1200 UTC Sunday. There's lot
QSP from GM3WOJ The results of the second UK/EI DX SSB Contest held on 22/23rd October 2016 have now been finalised and are online here :