CQ-Contest archive search

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References: [ +from:JERRYWB9Z@aol.com: 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. 160 Contests (score: 1)
Author: JERRYWB9Z@aol.com (JERRYWB9Z@aol.com)
Date: Wed Feb 28 23:15:08 1996
Come on, leave the Contest Rules the way they are, why do you guys always try to change the rules, that have been established for a long time. Sounds like a BUNCH of cry babies to me.
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-02/msg00836.html (7,145 bytes)

2. ARRL 160 test (score: 1)
Author: JERRYWB9Z@aol.com (JERRYWB9Z@aol.com)
Date: Sun Dec 3 20:01:42 1995
WB9Z - multi-op IL 1,384 Q's - 75 sections - 36 countries 336,552 Equipment FT-1000 & KW Transmitt ant. 160' vertical tower on a base insulator with 120 buried radials & 4 elevated ground radials Rec
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-12/msg00025.html (25,350 bytes)

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