Ohio QSO Party today (Saturday) from 16z to 04z Sunday. 80 - 10 meters (we'll be lucky to get 10 or even 15!) SSB & CW; 3825, 7200, 14250, 21300, 28450; up 45KHz on CW. Exchange qso number & QTH; Mul
It is a shame that the multiplier status of PJ2/4 and PJ5/6/7 are likely to be in a state of flux throughout the entire fall and winter contest season. It is also a shame that there are groups spendi
Secondly, my question: Am I the only one to notice that those with the biggest, uh, opinions on this Reflector are rarely found in any of my contest logs? No. 73 - Jim K8MR __________________________
If you have an itchy keyer finger (or nervous PTT foot) while waiting for the new PJ2/PJ7 DXCC entities to become official at 0400z Sunday, you might want to release some of that energy in the Pennsy
I'd still contest, but just not as much. A few hours here and there during the weekend to observe the fun and pass out some contacts to those guys able to copy a puny weak signal. The same principle
A couple more observations: 1. Skipping your call in the SS exchange is also bad because what immediately follows is another number - which then has to be determined if that number is a new one (the
My favorite from this weekend was K 9 Nit Wit And in the eschewing obfuscation category, my all time favorite of course was: Willy Nicaragua Four Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Nicaragua 73 - Jim K8MR I
I had never given any thought about Ron's holes. But maybe a weekend of contesting by one's self causes one to think such thoughts. But now that the subject has been raised, I would like to hear more
I am of the opinion that it is bad form to use non-IDing to thin a pileup. A much better way is to go back to a caller who is slightly off your frequency. Once the crowd, or at least the intelligent
Doug, Was the radio on the ship crystal controlled? If so, there was a problem. If the radio actually had a VFO, did you ever consider tuning around (i.e. higher in the band) to find a clear frequenc
If the unscrupulous person was a single op (not assisted) he would have to be doubly unscrupulous to have an open packet/internet connection available to spot the guy. If the person was assisted (sin
A couple of small additions to this beaten to near death topic: 1. If some little pistol is wasting your time by saying "please copy", he's probably saying the same thing to anyone else he works. So
Propagation is indeed interesting from that part of the world (actually it is interesting from low latitude locations anywhere in the world), but interesting propagation won't win contests on its own
In contests that distinguish between Canada's Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, it makes as much or more sense to recognize the District of Columbia as being separate from Maryland. As scare
Hi Ken, Why flip a coin? Do both! Maybe flip a coin to decide which to start in, but do get some NAQP CW time in before 0600z. As in any contest, the more the merrier. NAQP is big, but still small en
If Mexican states were made multipliers, would Mexico City (a.k.a. Distrito Federal) be a multiplier, or would it just be part of the adjoining state of Mexico (capital Toluca)? In the USA, our Feder
We in the USA (at least in business and the government) now want to allow Mexicans to operate big semi-trailer trucks in the USA, but Americans can't operate an SSB transceiver in Mexico in a ham rad
There are two different situations in passing mults: Case 1: Big Gun is CQing, Rare One answers his CQ, Big Gun works him and asks Rare One to QSY, Rare One says OK and QSYs. This is a very normal, a
Maybe the S&P stations doesn't technically need to send TU, but can't we take a second for some politeness? Also, when I hear a TU, it adds an element of confirmation that the guy is acknowledging my
Jim, In my 45+ years of contesting, I don't think I've ever received a contest exchange of " 5NN CA AR". (Double aargh - is he in California or Arkansas? :> ) So no need to send a TU at the end to sa