Well, the live webcast was kind of a bust. About 15 minutes after we got started the router appears to have crashed. Pictures of the tram arrangements and moving the antennas will be on the web site
With fall rapidly approaching and sunspots quickly fading this will soon become a contest annoyance here... if you know of a better place to ask this question please let me know. i have been hearing
Because the attempts to show this work live on the web didn't work very well here are the pictures that were taken along with a description of the work: http://www.k1ttt.net/2003towerwork.html I have
My station is now available for anyone who would like to use it for the following weekends. Do s/o or bring a friend and do m/s. Use your call or mine. Do some other contest if you prefer over the on
There are several things you have to watch out for in testing stubs in the real world... 1. leakage from before the stubs. Put a dummy load in place of the stub box and measure how much harmonic you
My station is still available for napq ssb if anyone is looking for a place to play. David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net web: http://www.k1ttt.net AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet:/
A recent radio failure points out a piece of test equipment I would like to have on hand... basically something like a battery powered crystal calibrator that I could quickly plug in to a radio's ant
There are lots of things that can get m/m's and others unique calls... 1. checking into the ve1/2/3 sunday morning nets during cqww ssb on 75m 2. calling cq on a relatively dead band and chatting wit
Welcome to the underworld of dx spotting. Hopefully word will get around that this web site is not as anonymous as it was before. I now also have a tool that will let me automatically grab copies of
I'm sorry, this will probably be ugly to read, but I don't have a lot of time right now to make it pretty. This is from the ip address data available from dxsummit. I did a simple sort by ip address
You sure won't like this one. These are groups of spots from spotters who only made one spot in the whole contest. For this I start from my cluster database and find all the spotters who only made on
Earthlink used I Sure, but who is going to call an isp in the Ukraine from the states just to make dx spots via dxsummit??? of a the An op at a multi-op spotting the multi-op using his own call is j
This has been discussed many times over the years of packet and now internet spotting with no real solution being found. The only way to really do it would be to start a new network completely separ
to from system validate could rules mandatory The generic Kerberos process includes encryption of the keys. As I remember it also has problems with time delays like you would encounter with slow rf
to that is essentially the process I went through using a collection of contest logs to tune my propagation prediction program. I went through a collection of mostly m/m contest logs from various st
Here is my collection of suspect spots from dxsummitt from cqww ssb this weekend. in each group below between the dashed lines i have tried to summarize a group of spots that come from one ip or from
You can prove anything with statistics... Here are the over all top spot getters from all sources for the weekend: DX Count C5Z 491 A61AJ 387 PJ2T 347 VP5B 312 TI5N 309 PZ5A 274 VB2C 250 V26B 250 WP2
My station is available for the ARRL 160m test for anyone interested. I now have an ft-1000mp mk-v field and an hf-2500 amp on that band. Antennas are now an inverted V at 180' and a pair of 100' tal
My .02... I like to analyze things. Sign only np3d. Good - short Bad - anyone who copies call and zone and is awake will ask for a repeat on the zone and may argue with you or will assume you are a l
This is from a simple analysis of the ip addresses from dxsummit entered dx spots. Groups of spots from the same isp can come from strange combinations of countries as you can see below. Interesting