Dear fellow contesters, after being challenged and offered to come up with "better contest", TESLA Radio Club is proud to announce and present the draft of proposed rules for a contest that tries to
Some comments are starting to come in, thank you very much for the input. I have done some more thinking while sleeping and the newest updated version of rules has inlcusion of serial number in the e
broaden ..and they buy lotsa equipment and magazines?? If not contesting, I would be by now a "dead" ham. If I was only DXer, I would be by now a semi-dead ham. Because of contesting I buy more equi
CQ WW Committee re-think the idea of having another 2 CQ WW events in the spring-time each year ? mixture of technical challenges, operating skill and luck, tests of stamina, etc. - everything that's
Disregarding the "being rare" factor, the "secret" is ANTENNAS, for there is no amplifier that can amplify signal that is not there (antenna didn't bring it in) and it magnifies the signals on transm
There seemed to be quite a few of them in 10m contest. The better the propagation, the worse they look. If one's signal is a picture of the operator, then it is not a pretty one. We should really che
Yep! Its being done. By proper antenna and phasing design you can manage to operate two radios on the same band and get as close as couple of kHz to your own CQing frequency. Use two receivers/transc
<> I will second (and third that), the whole premise is against the logic of competition - pushing the envelope, striving for max. It is like having Indy 500 admitting bicycles and skateboards, givin
To compensate for handicap that large countries are subjected to. Using grid square vertical slices (first 3 char.) as multipliers we have more even distribution of multipliers based on geography rat
and I got accused of all kinds of things, from trying to limit the freedom of choice, being against guest operating, to hating QRPers, etc. All I tried to say, that if I (me, mua, mich, ja) was Wayne
<<de K1DG: The point of this completely true and hopefully at least partially humorous story is that pileups have unique characters, but so do quiet frequencies on open bands. Flexibility and establi
<< I like N6TJ's idea: 0 points for QSOs with your own country, 3 points otherwise. >> Another but: I think the idea of 0 points is obsolete. What are we trying to discourage? QSOs? Someone "creative
<< The Collins filters vary quite a bit. In the ft1000mp, the Collins 500 hz filter (455 if) and (the CW soldered in) Yaesu 500 (8m if) cascaded are significantly less selective and less deeply skirt
That should go for power limits, number of operators, etc? Why have a contest rules at all, why have a contests, why have a speed limits, why to drive on right hand side, .....? For your information:
I have not seen any articles on IC781 modifications besides notes on commercial modifications by Signal One on upgrading IC781 to Milspec 1030. I have installed IR filters in mine (also 125 Hz), make
Here we go again! What the heck, Clinton is still in the Whore House, lets get the 30 kW Godzilla amplifiers out, hook up the packet, have about 10 spotting operators, use Call Book when things get s
which If we know the log checking procedure/system (and we know UBN etc.), then one should log zero pointers, even if it feels like not doing it (they are zero - good for nothing). Otherwise we might
SP7VC/7 is in Poland, some countries require their ops to sign portable if they operate from their cottage QTH or portable. So he is SP7. Don't worry about your score, we all started like that, nobod
<< So far nobody has been able to come up with a system -- PGP If expeditions and contest operations submitted their logs to a common "QSL Website" then anyone could refer to it for confirmation. Awa
Most of the local sources I know of still price these cards high. It's time again to up the number of COM ports my expedition laptops... Thanks Dunno how cheap is cheap, but Computeradio can supply