==> Always sounded to me as though he was havin' fun. Kind of hard to imagine, havin' fun at the expense of rate. Bob Perring ........................................... Amateur Radio Station N5RP ma
I believe that a new law concerning ham radio activity in Italy will now allow 1st class licensees to run up to 500 W output. Thus far, I believe they only had privileges for a max of 300 W input. Fi
I can't even believe this to be a question. OK, So let's dumb down contesting even more. Database gives section. Database gives state. Database gives us confirmation or fill on the callsign. Packet g
You know, if at the end of each contest, the log handler or contest sponsor would broadcast a standardized concise set of submittal instructions: AA) BB) CC) we might be surprised to find out how oft
==> Measure the resistance of the coil, and, knowing the voltage, you can then calculate the current. An easy thing to do is: place a field collapse spike diode across the coil, and mounting the coil
==> AA) Within walking distance to a pub. BB) Within walking distance to a Radio Shack. CC) Within walking distance to a hardware store. DD) Within walking distance to a couple of nice restaurants.
Implementing this logging and time keeping methodology into your contest software http://yugop.com/ver3/stuff/03/fla.html might lessen the degree of interference difficulties that could result from t
==> All of them. Since .............. We all know that an "N" means a 9. and We all know that an "A" means 1. and We all know that "E" means 5. and We all know that "K" means "KW" means "Kilowatt" me
==> Wale Dell, The contest exchange protocol that I outlined which allows me to just send ENN T to stand for 599 TX is only available to contestant participants who still reside in their assigned cal
==> Those are very tough questions. "Your" answers should come from within. To request post-contest advice from "others" is bad karma and may get you chastised Log what was sent. Log what was copied.
==> Please say you don't mean that. Think of how the rates will suffer if you have to send something proper and sooooo long winded. I mean, were talking unnecessary additional nanoseconds per QSO. Na
==> Sounds to me like you had fun, and figured out a way to optimize your having fun. You've already made a new category. That category of "self satisfaction" we keep hearing about. Bravo !! Bob Perr
==> Your post stating with H**, at first, upset me. As I read more of what you typed, I felt as though I might be agreeing with you. This upset me. Then, I began to realize that I did not understand
<snip> ==> John, It seems to me your team is REALLY back to doing what radio sport is all about. I remember being on Hainan Island a few years ago and watching the Chinese get fish with dynamite. Got
I presume the ZF2MM group did well this weekend. They certainly had enough advertisement posts sent to the cluster out there for QSO solicitations. Never did get the name of their pet goats, however.
==> I have always tried to use mimicry and parrot repeats with an attempt to show others how ridiculous they might actually be, in and on many platforms of life. As but example, I also posted for ZF2
==> They send it to Microsoft. Bob Perring ........................................... Amateur Radio Station N5RP mailto:N5RP@pdq.net N5RP Station Page: http://freeweb.pdq.net/perring/station.html
==> Might be something to think about here. 8P5A should have known ahead of time he didn't have a chance against ZF2MM. The 9 land herding spots just insured this probability. If you're not on packet
==> YO ! There was probably no answer to Bob because Bob did not ask the question. I know. I was there when I did not ask the question. This message was sent from Bob's PDA Bob is absent. Bob Perring
==> I had polio as a kid. I can get by without a car. Others less fortunate cannot. Bob Perring == "There is more to life than increasing its speed." Gandhi (1869-1948) __________ (E[__][__]|[_][\ =-