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References: [ 25 ]

Total 25 documents matching your query.

21. SCREW-IN GUY ANCHORS (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue Aug 2 20:30:21 1994
I understand that utility companies use screw-in guy anchors that consist of a rod about 6 feet long with a plate at the bottom that's 8 or 10 inches in diameter. A couple of questions about these de
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-08/msg00007.html (8,554 bytes)

Author: (
Date: Tue Aug 16 08:28:33 1994
Here is some feedback from my screw-in guy anchor query a few weeks ago, thanks to KY1H, K1VR, KR2J, WN4KKN, K5FUV, K5MR, N6MM, W6QHS, AA6T, K6XO, K7GM, WA8LLY/6, KM9P, WX0B, K0GU, K0OU/4 and K0SF--a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-08/msg00073.html (11,255 bytes)

23. ANCHORS - SCREW-IN vs EXPANDING (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Sat Sep 10 08:51:55 1994
After reviewing responses to my screw-in guy anchor query, I decided to install some heavy screw-ins. Instead of the ones that Rohn sells, which are 4-foot long & have a 6-inch diameter plate, I went
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-09/msg00059.html (24,375 bytes)

24. 1994 CQ WW SSB SCORE - 3DA0Z (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed Nov 9 03:19:22 1994
Band Qsos Zones Countries 1.8 4 1 3 3.7 36 9 15 7 1159 30 73 14 1609 34 121 21 2521 33 126 28 1219 26 90 Total 6548 133 428 Score: 10,459,284 approx; haven't had time to look at log since returning f
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-11/msg00063.html (42,707 bytes)

25. VP2EZA OPERATION (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Thu Dec 1 06:25:23 1994
A quote from Robert Shapiro's recent VP2EZA score posting: "Observations: We decided to have more fun and enter the M/M category instead of M/S, even though we would have been more competitive within
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-12/msg00000.html (12,281 bytes)

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