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References: [ +from:Skelton: 53 ]

Total 53 documents matching your query.

41. FW: equalizes contests (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri Jun 11 11:31:00 1993
No've got the wrong idea. Don't sell your wife on towers...just sell your wife for towers! Or, in the words of Henny Youngman: Take my wife.....PLEASE! If we really want to try some sort
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-06/msg00077.html (6,648 bytes)

42. FW: What a load of ******** (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri Jun 11 12:51:00 1993
What a load of **. Have we got nothing better to do than talk about 'equalized contests' and level playing fields. I've been reading this drivle for 6 months now and it's going nowhere. << DELETED TO
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-06/msg00078.html (8,253 bytes)

43. FW: Corn-Tasters' Sour Mash (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Thu Jun 17 10:13:00 1993
This is all QRP-wimp-level beverage stuff. When I really have to dig in and work the DX on 80/40, I pull out the Wild Turkey 101 proof Kentucky Bourbon. Now THAT is DX juice! 73, Tom WB4IUX Stayed ou
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-06/msg00123.html (7,205 bytes)

44. Latest CT version, updates (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon Jul 12 15:14:00 1993
I purchased CT version 4.something years ago, and then updates for version 5 and 6. I somehow missed 7, but would now like to upgrade to version 8.x (or should I wait for 9?). What is the latest vers
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00082.html (6,731 bytes)

45. CT responses (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue Jul 13 10:31:00 1993
Thanks to all of you who responded regarding my questions about CT. It is obvious that I have been out of touch for a couple of years (standard blames: promotion and hectic job, 3 young children who
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00091.html (6,557 bytes)

46. FW: ask K1ZZ, etc (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue Jul 13 10:46:00 1993
Since K1ZZ is an employee of ARRL, discussing ARRL matters with him on the air would appear to violate the rules about using amateur radio for business matters. -- Eric K3NA +++++++++++++++++++++++++
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00095.html (6,540 bytes)

47. FW: trivia quiz (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue Jul 13 11:01:00 1993
You guys have, in the infamous words of my mate, too much time on your hands if you have the time to think about stuff like that! Also, Trey had an unfair advantage because he probably got to see the
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00096.html (7,742 bytes)

48. FW: COMTEK OUT OF BUSINESS??? (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Thu Jul 15 14:14:00 1993
Yes, COMTEK as owned by (I think??) K8UR was sold to Jim, KF4HK (formerly KZ5JM in the Canal Zone). It is my understanding that Jim bought the name, designs and all parts and inventory. I don't have
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00132.html (6,988 bytes)

49. FW: OH2BH TO VS6 (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri Jul 16 10:59:00 1993
Marti Laine will be living in Hong Kong for about 2 years, starting later this year. Look for big signals from VS6BH (?) soon. 73 Rob, N3RW
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00142.html (6,267 bytes)

50. FW: MAS pirate products (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon Jul 19 16:13:00 1993
I enjoyed reading Jun's response about "Doglo" and its meaning as "a skelton, on flags of pirates." I guess I will change my name to Tom Doglo to attract lots of JA's in the pileups! Dear Jun, just s
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00161.html (7,482 bytes)

51. DXCC checking in Newington (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon Jul 26 11:30:00 1993
I was recently made aware that cards can be checked in person in Newington. Does anyone know if there is a limit on how many cards can be checked? I have been putting off applying for DXCC for 25 yea
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-07/msg00220.html (7,252 bytes)

52. September VHF Contest (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Thu Sep 9 09:53:00 1993
Ron, AB4RU, told me this morning that they will be going to Roan Mountain (I think it's in Tennessee) for this weekend's contest. Roan Mountain is at least 4k feet ASL. I'll be on 6 meters just looki
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-09/msg00034.html (6,470 bytes)

53. test message -- don't read if you have to $$$ (score: 1)
Author: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri Sep 17 16:49:00 1993
I've seen nothing from the reflector this week. No sprint scores, no contest planning, etc. I am having trouble with the DX Reflector at UNBC, so I'm wondering if my link to CQ Contest is also screwe
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-09/msg00137.html (6,348 bytes)

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