- 1. DX CW score for P40R?? (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Sat Mar 16 10:38:05 1996
- Does anyone know what Bob's score is for DX CW? And was he high or low pwr? I seeem to remember him giving the exchange 5nn nnn, but I'm not too sure. Paul WX9E
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-03/msg00040.html (6,184 bytes)
- 2. New Blood in WPX (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Fri Mar 29 01:35:07 1996
- I know of a few operations that are taking place this weekend that will include some new comers to ham radio and/or contesting. I would like to hear about these operations and make note of them in up
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-03/msg00163.html (12,859 bytes)
- 3. WRTC Room (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Tue Jul 9 19:04:50 1996
- I just cancelled my reservation at the Motel 6... so there is at least one room available now for anyone who needs it. Their # is 415-591-1471 Go ZD and 3N!!!! Paul WX9E WX9E@aol.com My apologies to
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-07/msg00031.html (7,512 bytes)
- 4. Another log bites the dust (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Tue Apr 11 19:00:24 1995
- This is getting to be a regular occurrence for me. I just got the May QST and flipped to the SS results. I was sorta bummed when I saw that my CW score was knocked down from a preliminary 2nd place t
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00055.html (8,494 bytes)
- 5. Another log bites the dust... part deux (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Fri Apr 14 16:44:39 1995
- Thanks to all the replies! It's good to know that I am not the only one who has had logs mishandled or lost..... actually I guess it's not that good. I have tried to reply to each person individually
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00076.html (21,156 bytes)
- 6. Publication of Corrections, Summary (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Fri Apr 21 18:04:51 1995
- Thanks to everyone who replied to my question about when, where and how corrections should be published. At first the consensus said they would like to see their corrections published ASAP (if / when
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00131.html (18,822 bytes)
- 7. mail (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Mon May 1 03:22:27 1995
- set mail Ah, the subtleties of what most people think are clear rules. I would like to hear from CQ on this one, too. My reading is that the rules say operating time is limited to 36 hours -- they do
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-05/msg00000.html (7,468 bytes)
- 8. WP3/WX9E in WPX CW (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Wed Jun 7 16:42:31 1995
- Sorry for the delay folks, I got back late Sunday night and needed a couple days to recover. WP3/WX9E M/S (field day style) Ops N0BSH, NP4Z and WX9E Bottom line is something like: 2125 x 652 for some
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-06/msg00033.html (13,895 bytes)
- 9. QST..... a mistake? (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Fri Jul 7 19:46:17 1995
- What????? QST make an error? No way! -) <-- Thing Paul WX9E Didn't know you were going to make my personal reply public (no big deal), and play point-counterpoint. So here goes... Jane you ignorant s
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-07/msg00031.html (16,660 bytes)
- 10. IARU de WX9E (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Mon Jul 10 06:20:38 1995
- I logged the old fashioned way, so these are the rough numbers. WX9E CW only 1352 QSOs (un-duped) 4240 points 85 zones 35 HQ 23 hours operating.... took the last 30 min off to nap before the drive ba
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-07/msg00049.html (7,970 bytes)
- 11. IOTA test de WX9E (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Mon Jul 31 04:16:16 1995
- I don't think I quite succeeded in duplicating my last place finish in the 12hr mixed mode category of last years contest. 55 Qs for 615 pts x 34 IOTAs (or is it IsOTA?) = Total 20,910 The 6d2x home
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-07/msg00174.html (14,953 bytes)
- 12. STOP THE ATTACHED FILES (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Mon Aug 21 12:56:17 1995
- Please folks, Can we stop sending the attached files to the reflectors? NA QSO SUMMARY SHEET Callsign Used : N3BB Operator : AA5RB Category : Single Operator BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults ___
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-08/msg00171.html (10,409 bytes)
- 13. Contest writeup... Grow up already! (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Fri Aug 25 05:27:33 1995
- SAYS WHO? !!!!! TOTALLY RIDICULOUS !!!!! Do you really think that the people at CQ need to cheat to win? I'd be surprised if John checked his own log, and even if he did, do you really think that he
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-08/msg00202.html (11,759 bytes)
- 14. SSB Sprint (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Sat Sep 16 01:05:31 1995
- A bunch of us SMC / Black-Hole types will be starting on 40m tonight to see if there is any local prop so we can work each other before the band goes long. We'll be on 7.230 +- QRM/N at 2345z if anyo
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-09/msg00074.html (6,761 bytes)
- 15. SSB Sprint Team Score (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Mon Sep 18 17:22:58 1995
- SMC - Dead Lizards Can't Talk (ask VS6WO how that name came to be) WX9E 264 x 50 W9RE 286 x 48 WE9V 287 x 50 KK9V 223 x 45 KA9FOX 302 x 49 WD0T 299 x 46 KO9Y 215 x 40 (low pwr) K4XU 240 x 43 (low pwr
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-09/msg00093.html (8,143 bytes)
- 16. CQ Contest Mag / Youth (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Wed Oct 4 16:19:56 1995
- Hi all, I'm sure most of you have heard about the new magazine CQ publication: "CQ Contest." I have been asked to write a monthly column about the youth in contesting (under 30), or the lack-thereof,
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-10/msg00013.html (8,866 bytes)
- 17. CQ Contest Mag / Youth (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Wed Oct 4 17:43:16 1995
- About 5 responses already. I forgot to mention........ ** respond to me directly ** I will post the list periodically as contests get closer. Paul WX9E Forgive me for taking up bandwidth on the conte
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-10/msg00014.html (9,027 bytes)
- 18. Station/Operator registry (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Thu Oct 12 16:35:17 1995
- These are the stations / operators who have offered their expertise and or stations for guest operators so new guys can gain some experience and hopefully get motivated to op more contests. I have no
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-10/msg00065.html (7,118 bytes)
- 19. Contest Station Registry (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Fri Oct 20 04:39:04 1995
- Well, I should be in St Martin now getting warmed up for WW, but thanks to someone named Luis, I'm stuck here in the cold and rainy Windy City, wonderful. The response to the station registry from th
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-10/msg00115.html (29,680 bytes)
- 20. Contest Station Registry (score: 1)
- Author: WX9E@aol.com (WX9E@aol.com)
- Date: Wed Nov 15 17:25:54 1995
- As many of you know, I have been compiling a list of stations and or operators who are willing to take a new comer to contesting under their wings and show them the ropes. The will be published month
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-11/msg00076.html (15,568 bytes)
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