To clarify for Paul, EI5DI, and others: My comment was NOT: "Since the CQWW exchange is meaningless, why do we need an exchange at all?" My comment is: "Since the CQWW is obviously popular and has a
The idea is not so new, at least as far as remote receive is concerned. In the 1950's, having just turned 16 and thereby spending a lot of time using my newfound driving privileges and finding that t
I do it all the time with my bedside Sony 2010. Not such a good idea on SSB, as people are always a little off frequency and you need to tweak the dial frequently (unless you tune in a rare DX statio
I have been somewhat troubled by a certain direction the debate on single operator use of two radios has taken. Some have argued that in order to excel in contesting you have to push yourself to the
Bill, W4AN, said: "I think you tend to find more interest in doing two radios the further you get from a favored QTH. For example, in the DX contests the closer you get to Boston the more chance you
When I started ham radio, everybody sent their QSLs direct, usually in postcard form, and without SASE or other remuneration. It was the "regular way of doing things." I have been a ham for 45 years
Thanks to all who have sent me comments on my original post. Most were in agreement with me, but some continued to argue economics, so I find it necessary to quantify the problem, which, since I keep
Well here goes -- a little late this time because my old friend K4YT has been around here this week between assignments in Germany and Israel, so there has been a lot of local ragchewing in the shack
Not exactly contest-related, but I thought it might interest some on this reflector. Let's say you're listening on your aircraft radio and hear a particular aircraft ID himself. If it's a commercial
I agree with Dale about QRP, though the mobile part is not so clear-cut, since at least on SSB mobiles frequently have telltale signs such as a high rushing noise in the background. With QRP stations
Wow, KQ2M is finally on the contest reflector! I thought I would let this thread go by, but Bob has provoked me to comment. Despite the fact that Bob and I have disagreed on many things over the year
Oh, I get it! In the name of "fairness", political correctness, or whatever, somebody comes along and proposes a change in the WPX which will make the contest LESS FUN for me. And I'm supposed to LIK
FWIW, I have just received the rules in Spanish for the FRACAP-98 contest, to be held on July 26, 1998. I have translated the rules into English for the benefit of those who maintain contest Web Site
I hadn't made my usual post-contest analysis during the past couple of contests because I was busy and there wasn't much new to say anyway. But this WPX CW had some interesting features so back to th
I hadn't made my usual post-contest analysis during the past couple of contests because I was busy and there wasn't much new to say anyway. But this WPX CW had some interesting features so back to th
Before we go jumping off the deep end in our comments, a couple of items from the July 1 issue (i.e.: pre-ARRL Board meeting) of the W5YI Report: "The FCC is in the process of issuing a Notice of Pro
I have been looking over some of the matters which IARU Region II Member Societies plan to raise for discussion at the IARU Region II Conference, to be held in Venezuela in late September/early Octob
I like QSL'ing even after 46 years of very active hamming. I keep an analog system of 11 books with calls of all the non-W's I have worked since I got the call K3ZO, and after each contest I carefull
A few people remarked during the contest that they were looking forward to my write-up, so here it is. First of all, I would like to set the scene for the propagation observed by a few comments on th
I am putting the HS0AC CQWW Phone 1998 story on here because I think it will be of interest to the readers. Please note that ALL of the HS0AC operators this time were Thai nationals. As time goes on