Bill, W4AN, commented: For those who want to move the WPX CW to earlier in the year, I think this is a significant comment. One thing that makes the WPX CW interesting is that it occurs within a mont
I waited a few days, and only received two messages listing additional HQ stations, so here is the final list: Country IARU Member Society Call Sign Aruba*# AARC P43ARC Australia WIA VK1WI Austria OV
I have received a couple of messages asking for details about exactly what the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) is and about some aspects of the annual IARU HF Championship. So here follows a
Well, after I put out a "final" list of HQ stations active in the IARU HF Comptetion, I received more info from Europe and Asia, so here is the final, final list: Country IARU Member Society Call Sig
I invested considerably over the summer in trying to eliminate all problems in my antenna farm. Matt, KC1XX, and his associate Andrew were down here three times to get everything right (KM3T joined t
I have been asked by Tony, HS0/G4UAV, to put this announcement on the reflector. The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand is planning an all-out multi effort in the 1997 CQWW CW from its club station HS
Behind as usual, but I had to get my two cents' worth in on this one. I am an active contester and though not making as many QSO's as the multiops I routinely run off 1500-2500 QSO's in each of the s
Yes, but I'd hate to have to explain to St. Peter at the entrance to the Pearly Gates why it was that I never had time to send him a QSL card. (HI) 73, Fred, K3ZO -- CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.con
I have just been informed by E21CJN that the Thai PTD, instead of just allowing HS0AC 80 and 160 meter operation in this year's CQWW CW Contest, will allow ALL HS's and E2's, including private indivi
For those who might be interested, WRC-97 ended in Geneva Nov. 21. The only change which will affect contesters is that some European countries removed footnotes to the ITU frequency tables with resp
This will not be my usual long-winded summary because I am on deadline for another issue of IARU Region II News which I hope to get out the door this week. So just a few highlights and statistics: He
Since I have always endeavored to run a fully legal operation, and since I live in a residential area, I have spent the past two days evaluating 13 different antennas against the FCC Guidelines for E
Hi Larry: That's not the way I interpret the rules Larry. Every station must comply as of 1 January 1998. I don't depend on someone else to interpret the rules for me, but if you want to interpret th