The August NAQP SSB contest preliminary results have been posted to the NCJ web site, . Please check your results and let me know if you find something that doesn't seem right within t
Looking to practice or test the station for the upcoming NAQP SSB? Tuesday nights at 0230 UTC is the perfect opportunity. The Phone Fray is a half-hour long contest with the same rules as NAQP SSB pr
During the recent NAQP's several groups used names of members who recently became a silent key. Off hand I know of (3): Rich for KL7RADick for N0IMED for VE4YU I was appreciate being made aware of an
The January NAQP Phone preliminary results are now on-line on the NAQP website at . Please double check your results to make sure you are in the right category and your score is reasonable
Ed, Your very last line points to a key critical element "a successful two way QSO". A successful two way QSO requires both a sending station to accurately send and record that information along with
Jeff, Alternate to thread-locker is knurled cup set screws. These bite into the item and very rarely back out. Been a while since I bought them, McMaster-Carr comes to mind. Bill AC0W Sent from my Ve
Great opportunity to practice for the NAQP SSB that's a month away. For those that tried this during the winter and got turned off since it was mostly low band activity it is a different event during
The NAQP August SSB preliminary results are now on the NCJ web site, . Please check to make sure things look correct in your entry, such as category, and you don't see any unusual scor
The green mush is probably due to the DC power and other affects. Don't have a solution on this. The black center conductor, have you checked any other coaxes to verify whether their center conductor
I'm going to expand on what Larry state. 1. Make sure the dimmer is a true LED dimmer and not an incandescent or fluorescent dimmer repurposed. A misapplied dimmer will generate RFI. 2. Most true LED
I can tolerate the TEST at the end as long as the space between call and test isn't too long. Some seem to have a long space so I'm dumping my call as they are sending test. Pet peeve of mine is the
I know this is dangerous being the NAQP SSB Manager and responding but felt some clarification is needed with the numbers of M-2 stations listed in the post below. While the numbers used are correct
Bob, I see you are with Charter like me. I've found that Charter does block some messages from, one of which is the email confirmations. I've been fighting with Charter for over a year try
Barry, There are several who use a general logging program and are tied to a database such as QRZ to fill the fields. In the NAQP's they end up with loosing credit for many of their Q's since the nam
Preliminary scores for the January NAQP CW and SSB contests are now posted on the NCJ web site . Please check your results to make sure they appear correct. Corrections or que
Dick The issue of X-QSO or X QSO does generate an error for NAQP's that gets identified in the confirmation email and only the confirmation email. It is the participants responsibility to correct the
I read a few post on remote operating and regulations. I little while later I took out my May 2017 CQ Magazine and discovered a very good article on remote operating from a regulations point of view.
NAQP SSB & CW Preliminary Results are now posted on the Home Page of NCJWEB.COM. Please check your results to verify you are in the correct category and your score is approximately what you expected.
So what's the secret to making time go backwards? Without that many of us will find it impossible to participate from 1600 to 0600 on Oct 14. AC0W Message: 4 Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2017 20:41:30 -0700 Fro
Some interesting discussion. I'll just add the rules imply the first year licensed as an amateur radio operator but do not state that. As an operator I have many licenses such as driver's license, en