The question is how are dupes in the SS treated in log checking. Aside from the conventional wisdom of not removing your dupes since there is no penalty, there remains some mystery. Assume have a dup
I now have it on solid authority that SS dupes will never hurt you. The log checking first step is removing all claimed qsos that have exchange errors. Only as the last step are any remaining dupes
Due to the earth's magnetic field there are just O and X modes and neither obeys reciprocity except for special cases. Also the X mode generally has more absorption loss, and further what you hear de
Near the end of phone SS, QC was need for the sweep. An N** spotted a bogus VE2 on his run frequency. A bit later he did again on a different frequency. So this brilliantly solves the moral dilemma
Thanks to some helpful responders, it does appear likely that this issue is more ignorance than sinister. N1MM, and perhaps other loggers, provide auto-spotting if you select it. It only functions i