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References: [ +from:bruce@Think.COM: 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. QRP mailing list (score: 1)
Author: bruce@Think.COM (Bruce Walker)
Date: Wed Apr 7 11:31:45 1993
The following is from an announcement of a new Internet QRP mailing list which might interest some of you. The QRP mailing list is open to all topics relating to low-power amateur radio operation. Ex
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-04/msg00036.html (7,755 bytes)

2. Field Day Solar (score: 1)
Author: bruce@Think.COM (Bruce Walker)
Date: Tue Apr 27 14:49:36 1993
I have an issue regarding Field Day rules for solar/battery operation. I am just converting my home station to solar power and thought I would operate that way during Field Day this year. The rules a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-04/msg00168.html (6,881 bytes)

3. Field Day Solar (score: 1)
Author: bruce@Think.COM (Bruce Walker)
Date: Wed Apr 28 17:58:10 1993
Bruce, I'm not quite sure what part of the ARRL FD rules you are quoting (they aren't in front of me either...), but what I remember is that the charging restriction applies to the "battery only oper
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-04/msg00174.html (7,447 bytes)

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