Hi, after getting my certificate for the WPX-RTTY 2008 I'd like to know if the certificates for the WWDX-RTTY and the WWDX-SSB 2007 are send out. See you in WWDX-RTTY at the end of this month. 73s Uw
Randy, well done, set a good example for other WPX and WWDX pages. For instance the results for 2007 of the WWDX-RTTY are still not published on http://www.cqwwrtty.com/results.htm .... So Guys pse f
Hi, can somebody help with the results of the WWDX-RTTY-2008? Scan as PDF would be welcome to mailto:dl3bqa@necg.de -thanks. 73s Uwe DL3BQA _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest
Hi Henk, the site you mentioned is an empty place, still waiting for 2007 results there.... Not as good as the website of the CQ-WPX! 73s Uwe DL3BQA _______________________________________________ CQ
Pse look there: http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/logs.asp , there's also a special form to upload your log. 73s Uwe DL3BQA/DM0Y _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ
Well done in short time - tnx. Still missing the raw scores for the WPX-RTTY. Would be nice to know. 73s Uwe DL3BQA/DM0Y --Ursprüngliche Nachricht-- Von: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contest
How many stations you can see at once in RTTY and how many in FT8 in an audio channel to choose from? I believe there's a difference. Randy I agree, FT8-users in the ARRL-RU should be unlimited. I'l
Saw the final results of the CW and SSB-part, but still missing those results for the RTTY part.... I'm very curious-hi! 73s de Uwe DL3BQA/DM0Y --Ursprüngliche Nachricht-- Von: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-
Got al lot of those "QSLs" via a service named "QSL-World" within the last weeks for some of my calls/expeditions and QSOs several years ago. For this service you can unsubscribe and it stopped. Ther
Hi Charles, its your opinion, but to get such a lot of mail with useless confirmations for QSOs long time ago and for expeditions is useless for me. As someone can send his whole adif to QSL-World an