Yet another system of "two letter" callsign assignments went into affect in November 1967 as a part of the amendment of FCC rules to implement Incentive Licensing. Amateur Extra licensees could reque
This disruptive event in 1977 resulted in the termination of all informal FCC processes for issuing callsigns. The new rules implemented in 1978 required than all amateur callsigns must be issued onl
Hi John, Prior to 1977, personal communication with FCC staffers not uncommonly resulted in favorable outcomes if the request didn't violate FCC rules and required little or no extra effort. That cha
Hi Pat, Scott paid a very steep price for his extremely bad judgement. I hope he's learned his lesson. I understand he was released last year after at least five years in prison for serious crimes th
Juan, With all respect for your excellent contest results over many years, the issue you're describing SIMPLY DOES NOT EXIST in the CQ WW and ARRL CW DX contests because the W3LPL automated CW and RT
Hi Charly, What call signs have yoiu used during recent contests and what were the dates and time spans (start and stop times) when you were active? With that information its easy to search the DX sp
Hi Charly, Is it possible that you're not being spotted because you're not very active? I have 218 Thailand CW QSOs in my log since 1991 but only four (four!) with HS0ZCW... 73 Frank W3LPL -- Origina
Steve, Thanks for making that recording! A change in the general contest rules is needed in order to prevent anyone else from the violating the generally understood unacceptable practice of interleav
PJ4G is exploiting the absence of this CQWW rule in the ARRL General Contest Rules "Alternating CQs on two or more frequencies on a band is not permitted" That doesn't make it right for PJ4G to follo
Hi Art, I often think about my contest and DXing Elmers and how much of my life experience I owe to their kindness and generosity. I was introduced to ham radio through AM short wave listening on my
First, its clear that ARRL rules do not address the issue of two interleaving run stations on the same band. That leaves it up to the community to decide what to do. According to 3830 there were sixt
I recommend that alternating CQs on two or more frequencies on the same band be prohibited immediately in all ARRL HF contests, exactly as it is now prohibited in all CQ WW DX Contests and for multi-
Hi Chuck, I suspect the IARU HF Championship rule prohibiting interleaved CQs is intended to prohibit interleaved CW and SSB CQs on the same band. There was probably no thought that anyone would inte
Hello Helmut, For many years we (almost all of us, at least) have operated in accordance with The Amateur's Code published in ARRL Handbooks for at least ninety years. The problem with dual interleav
Hi David, Your email suggests that you misunderstand the issue. The issue is claiming and defending two frequencies in the same band for interleaved CQs, a practice that was developed and rejected by
Hi Tom, The W3AO Field Day team has used multiple transmitters in the same band for more then 20 years with no trace of interference at all. We often have four transmitters on the same band (CW, SSB,
For those who missed the Hamvention or didn't attend the flea market on Saturday or Sunday this is what my experience was like:
Verizon Wireless was five bars everywhere in the facility except deep inside the metal buildings. Thankfully I didn't drop my iPhone in the mud... 73 Frank W3LPL -- Original Message -- I, too, had a