Chris, N6WM is the new Director of the "Slow NCCC Sprint" or SNS. the lower speed version of the NCCC Sprint and Sprint Ladder (NS and NSL). This group of Thursday night events, plus the NCCC Contest
Reminder . 2nd session of the current NCCC Sprint Ladder (NSL-10) is this Thursday, then we break until Jan 7. TIMES . : Time is 0230Z (Friday) i.e. Thursday . ..1830 PST, 1930 MST, 2030 CST, 2130 ES
The Winter NCCC Sprint Ladder resumes this week, with session 3 of 10 this Thursday night (NA). We're off to a great start with over 50 stns participating in the first two Thursdays in early December
The Winter NCCC Sprint Ladder continues this week with session 4 of 10 this Thursday night (NA). Activity has been vigorous at around 50 stations, making for brisk rates and the usual fierce competit
Most of us tooled up for mid-week contesting by participating in the famous (or infamous) Locust QSO Party tonight. Now it's on to Thursday for week 5 of the Winter NCCC Sprint Ladder Time for NS Lad
NS Ladder 10 -- Session 6, so five to go. On forty meters be aware of possible RTTY operation from VP8ORK in the South Orkneys, operating on 7040 and listening up. Time for NS Ladder is: 0230Z (Frida
Plagiarizing a bit from K6UFO (NN7SS's) message to the NCCC Reflector . . . Here's the NCCC Contesting lineup for Thursday and Friday this week: Thursday night: 0200Z Slow NCCC Sprint "SNS" 0230z NCC
NS Ladder 10 -- Week 8, so three to go. Time for NS Ladder is: 0230Z (Friday) i.e. Thursday in NA. ..1830 PST, 1930 MST, 2030 CST, 2130 EST. for 30 mins. -- Rules: :
NS Ladder 10 -- Week 9, next to last week in this series. Last week, West Coast stations did particularly well, with K6VVA leading the pack in CA with almost 2000 points, same for K7SS. Time for NS L
NS Ladder X -- Final Session This week .. .Join the fun. As always, we thank Bruce, WA7BNM, for the score reporting forms at Time for NS Ladder is: 0230Z (Friday) i.e. Thurs
Thursday night marks the first segment of the 11th NCCC Sprint Ladder Competition, NSL-XI. As the winter contest schedule winds down keep your skill honed and current by participating in this fast-pa
NS Ladder XI: 2nd Week of competiton this Thursday. Please consider joining us for the fun, fast event. Details for NS: -- Exchange: Ser #, Name, QTH (State , Prov, or NA Country) -- Four Bands CW (1
NS Ladder XI: 3rd Week of competition this Thursday. Highlight from last week. . Eric (Ty), NO3M, won the coveted Locust X Prize with his outstanding record score of 3,234, reflecting 66 Q's and 49 m
NS Ladder XI: 4th of competition this Thursday. Please consider joining us for the fun, fast event. Great conditions last week made this another week of high scores and high rates, surprisingly even
Thursday night: NS Ladder XI: Week 5 of 10 for this Ladder. . Still time to qualify for wine awards, which require a minimum of 5 weeks' participation. Reminder: There will be a Dayton break in NS La
After an invigorating Dayton break, NS Ladder XI resumes Thursday with Week 6 of 10. ?We'll proceed without interruption for the final 5 weeks of the Ladder. If you start the ladder this week, there'
NS Ladder XI Thursday with Week 7 of 10. Including this week, four additional weeks remain in the current ladder competition. Don't forget also to join the Slow NS, half an hour before NS Ladder. Det
NS Ladder XI Thursday -- Week 9 of 10. This week,. . .a contest within a contest in celebration of K1GU's 50th year in ham radio . . To enter K1GU's event: -- Play NS Ladder by our regular sprint rul
Join us Thursday night for the final session of the 10-Week NCCC Sprint Ladder XI. 20-160 m 0230Z-0300Z (Fri, Thursday in NA). Preceeded by our sprint training effort, the Slow NS at 0200Z. (N6WM) Ru