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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [TowerTalk] RE: [YCCC] TIC Ring Potentiometer Failure? (score: 1)
Author: "John Allen" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 12:48:04 -0500
Try running the rotor through it's entire rotation back and forth several times. I have this problem from time to time with a 1022 as far back as 1996 or earlier and this works for me. 73, KB! John K
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2004-11/msg00766.html (10,086 bytes)

2. TIC Ringrotor problem (score: 1)
Author: John D. Allen" < (John D. Allen)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:36 2005
Denny, K8DO already answered this, but I will add to his excellent input - the POT at the rotor gets an intermittant. Resulting in a catch22 - the pot is open so you can not rotate the antenna to tu
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-02/msg00753.html (6,945 bytes)

3. TIC Ring - addendum (score: 1)
Author: John D. Allen" < (John D. Allen)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:36 2005
I have seen the above phenonenem also, intermittantly with the "meter follows preset knob" symptom. They both appear to be caused by the same basic problem - open pot at rotor. I sure hope TIC comes
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-02/msg00755.html (7,062 bytes)

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