This thread reminds me of an incident that happened to me when operating from TI5 a few years ago. I was running DX stations and a heckler came on, high speed CW and repeatedly telling me I was a lid
Seems to me that self spotting is similar to CQing on a band with a second transmitter as well as being thru the internet. I suppose there would be no problem with that if allowed in an assisted clas
I have a question regarding operators in the CQ WW contests. Is there any rule that prohibits an operator from operating at a Multi Op station and also at his own station with his own call? TNX 73 Ji
I am a Bureau sorter in the 7th call area bureau. I thought I would add some insight from the volunteers perspective. Its not a huge time consumer to handle the cards but has many small hassles that
If this use of questionable assistance is of such importance why not use it and enter the Assisted class??? No question about that being OK. -- Jim Cassidy KI7Y ______________________________________
A lot of the sorting for the ARRL outgoing QSL Bureau is done by volunteers. I have a couple of friends who have done quite a lot of it. 73 Jim KI7Y Two points -- 1) A number of US organizations have
I should have added that the incoming bureau cards are also handled by all volunteers at the call area level. I am involved with the 7th area bureau and we have 27 volunteers that sort and distribute
I am puzzled by the technique of asking QRL? and then starting a CQ about 1 or 1.5 seconds later. Even K4BAI probably cannot get to his paddle quick enough to reply. 73 KI7Y Following the Stew Perry
Was that to be a battery QRP entry??? Hi Jim Yes, I noticed it wasn't on the schedule. I worked it any way and did pretty good. Didn't make any Q's but had lots of multipliers. I wanted to try out my
I have used the Inrad triplexer and Dunestar single band filters for Field Day a couple of years ago. The whole setup worked really well and allowed us to use all 3 bands at the same time at the 100w
In the case of W1AW/5 and another W1AW/ call, it was not the same station, just the same call. This is a complicated issue. According to the Sweepstakes rules: "6.1. Work each station only once, rega
I think some of the latency might be due to computer logging and some having difficulty getting the call entered correctly, and the need to do that before starting the CW sending. -- Jim Cassidy KI7Y
I had a couple of stations who would not confirm the Two but kept on saying no and repeating Zero Zero Two. And some even go as far as 0002. KI7Y In Phone or CW contests. Especially later in the cont
It is good to see that this Summer rules discussion did start about on time In the interest of saving bandwidth, I propose we redefine the QRU Q-signal to mean "Rules Unfair". Usage: "QRU (contest na
Years ago stations used mechanical bells at each position, like used by businesses on counters. I have always wanted to rig up a doorbell for CQWW with the single ding for a mult and the ding-dong fo