First of all, Sorry for the inconvenience JIDX Low Band CW contest email log address was not available. So all the entrants who sent their logs to, must have the error message
Asia Pacific Sprint contest will be held during Suggested frequencies: 14030-14050, 7015-7040 kHz See for detailed information. -- Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM Intern
Hi David I do not know what URL was announced on QST but please refer the following for Elog submission. AADX informations; http
We have the following informations update. JIDX 2000 Phone log received list. Please check if your log is listed. Reminder JIDX HFCW contest this weeke
It's not a good idea. Here in JA, we will have the "All JA Contest" in every last weekend of April. All JA contest is the domestic contest like SS in the states and we had 2,236 participants(logs) fo
JIDX 2000 Phone Result +All Time Record are now avilable on the Web. Please browse the URL -- JIDX contest committee chairman Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM Email: j
One other comparison will be required. Why? Icom announced the NEW Radio "IC-756ProII". It will be available in the market soon. -- Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM Internet:
According to the news leter titled "BEACON" by ICOM (Sorry it was wrtitten in Japanese) introduced this new radio in the recent issue. It will be in the market in early July. New features; Digital fi
To all who are interested in WRTC2K I started to run the mirror site for WRTC2000 official pages. This page will be updated everyday, so you'll be able to see the sam
JIDX committee has been in final stage of log checking for 1999 JIDX Phone contest. Would you check your log entries at The result will be published in F
Japan International DX contest 1999 Phone result and All-Time-Record are now available at (J (B (J (B Now the commi
I forgot to announce this Rufz(CW callsign listening program) version 3.1 has been released at Janualy 02, 1999. I've mirrored Rufz home page every week at <> howeve
We've been checking the JIDX 1998 Phone logs at present. I made the list who submitted the logs by email or snail mail to the JIDX committee. If you could not find your callsign or your class was wro
JIDX 1999 HF CW Contest will be held on the 1st weekend of April. The complete rule and the past results with record are available at <> or Please send an email to jidx-inf
Sorry for the incorrect info. Not the 1st but 2nd weekend of April. The date/time information in the jidxrule.eng is quite correct. <> -- JIDX contest committee chairman Ta
The list which was generated by program had not listed number of calls. It was caused by program error, and the NEW list was generated. mailto: JIDX-committee <> The NEW JI
JIDX 1999 HF CW Contest will be held on this weekend == JAPAN INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST (rev Feb.,1999) OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world(DX) to contact JA stations in as many JA prefectures +
I've been planning to be there also. I was so regret to miss the WRTC96. WRTC2000 must be the biggest and most memorable contest event in the 20th Century. See you there -- Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
Now 1999 JIDX HF CW contest results and All-Time-Records are avilable both Email or Web. E (Jmail (B; Send an email to ( (B with (J#get (B (Jindex (B help in the body of the
Dear Contesters Do not forget to send the JIDX 1999 Phone Contest log by Dec. 31, 1999 Low Band CW contest will be held in 10days or so. == JAPAN INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST OBJECTIVE: For amateurs arou