Was a fantastic Contest this last weekend: Please Sent your Log in Cabrillo format at: smreyssb@ure.es Take a Look: http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/ccf/2008-February/006683.html See you the Nex
Hello to all. Once finished the contest CQWW-DXSSB-2008 already we are thinking about the next great contest of phone, the CQ-WPX-SSB-2009 about March 09. In these dates I will be 12 days of vacation
Hello friends, I am grateful very much for the response of several friends of Contests, with ideas where to be able to produce operating the next WPX SSB 2009. Also I am grateful very much for the in
HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SPAIN CONTEST http://www.ure.es/contest/431-sm-el-rey-contest-english-version.html Sponsored by Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). Participants: Any licensed amateur s
HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SPAIN CONTEST http://www.ure.es/contest/431-sm-el-rey-contest-english-version.html Sponsored by Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). Participants: Any licensed amateur s
Hi to all. RCH group is forming a good Team of various nationalities to participate in the contest CQWW-DX-SSB 2009 the month of October (24th & 25th). We have a full season of competition with every
thanks to all Contesters concerned that you have to come to Spain and become part of our Team. we are answering all emails you have sent to you with doubts arising from the location of the shack, ant
A sad news. Please pass our deepest condolences to the families of these operators. A hug from the Spanish Contesters Comunity. Rest in peace friends. A member of ED5R Team during CQWW-DX-SSB 2009. J
Good evening. I would like to inform you that you can visit an interesting tool created from Spain, currently has 4500 registered users in many countries, is a Cluster site that has numerous function
Hello everyone, the Radio Club Henares created the new "EA4RCH QSL Service": What is "EA4RCH QSL Service"? For it is a new section that we have on our website ( http://www.radioclubhenares.org/qslser
Hi all. Take a look here Steve: http://www.ure.es/concursos/21-ea-rtty/1309-resultados-concurso-ea-rtty-2009.html 73 + DX Jesus M. Gimare - E C 1 K R E.mail - ec1kr@ec1kr.com Messenger - ec1kr@hotmai
Hi all. Jeff you have a Link in URE (Union de Radioaficionados Españoles). http://www.ure.es/component/events/?task=view_detail&agid=118 73 + DX Jesus - EC1KR (CQWWDX 2010 = ED1R) www.ed1r.com An
Hello. I want to make the ARRL DX Contest in category M/S, but according to the rules that come in we do not quite understand the mechanism of an M/S. - I can have a station in Runing and other in Mu
Just found, 6 band changes: http://www.arrl.org/general-rules-for-arrl-contests-below-30-mhz Tnx, 73 de Jesus EC1KR Jesus, I'm making me the same questions, the rules say nothing about 10 minutes, or
The email now is OK Bill. rttycontest@ure.es 73 de Jesus EC1KR ED1R - www.ed1r.com Anyone got the correct address? The one on the site is bouncing Thanks K4FX ________________________________________
His Majesty The King of Spain Contest http://www.ure.es/contest/431-sm-el-rey-contest-english-version.html Sponsored by Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). Participants: Any licensed amateur s
His Majesty The King of Spain Contest http://www.ure.es/contest/431-sm-el-rey-contest-english-version.html Sponsored by Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). Participants: Any licensed amateur s
Hello.Small tourism Holidays with my girlfriend.Three days in Lisboa (7, 8 and 9 August) at the Hotel INSPIRA SANTA MARTA.If any area Contester want to get a beer perfect, I thank any recommendation
Don & all. URE reported to had a problem with the email Robot. Tomorrow will be solved, you may send it back. Greetings. 73 de Jesus EC1KR Blog. www.ec1kr.com --Mensaje original-- De: cq-contest-boun
This year URE (Spanish Radio Amateur Union) will be active during the IARU HF Contest 2012 July 14-15. The SPAIN HQ Station TEAM will be operating SSB and CW all time using the official callsings: -