My Pentium II system is in that class: not even one spare interrupt. Has anyone seen a sloution (add on multi-RS232 interface) using the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port? Jeff Maass (
Do you already have something for the transformer? I wouldn't try to move the 87A without removing the transformer. Cabbage Cases make a large variety of sizes of excellent travel cases. If you don't
I am shopping to update my station, and have settled on the FT-1000MP for the radio. I've been pretty much "out of the mainstream" for ten years or more. 1) Which are the dealers where I'm likely to
I'm gearing back up, and need recommendations on the best headset for contest use. The radio will be a Yaesu FT-1000MP. First scanning of the magazines and past experience (ten years old now!) sugges
I recently asked about what Digital Voice Keyers contesters were using, and I got only a couple of replys (both advising agains Yaesu's DVS-2 with the FT-1000MP). Is anyone out there using DVKs? What
After an absence of several years, I'm rebuilding my antenna system with an eye towards ARRL Sweepstakes. Today I'm considering how to improve my 80/75 meter coverage domestically. Located in Central
Last week, I posted a message asking for suggestions for 80/75 meter antennas for ARRL Sweepstakes use. My original message and responses received are summarized below. After reading the responses an
After an absence of several years, I'm rebuilding my antenna system with an eye towards ARRL Sweepstakes. Today I'm considering how to improve my 80/75 meter coverage domestically. Located in Central
Last week, I posted a message asking for suggestions for 80/75 meter antennas for ARRL Sweepstakes use. My original message and responses received are summarized below. After reading the responses an
After an absence of several years, I'm rebuilding my antenna system with an eye towards ARRL Sweepstakes. Today I'm considering how to improve my 80/75 meter coverage domestically. Located in Central
Last week, I posted a message asking for suggestions for 80/75 meter antennas for ARRL Sweepstakes use. My original message and responses received are summarized below. After reading the responses an
Like some of the fists I hear in the pileups! Jeff Maass ( Amateur Radio K8ND USPSA/IPSC # L-1192 NROI/CRO NW of Columbus Ohio 25000 Members in 2000! -- CQ-Contest on WW
With the onset of Contest Season approaching swiftly, a young man's thoughts turn to off-time strategy. I found a copy of this news item among my Sweepstakes and 160 Meter Contest notes from long ago
Could someone with some experience with the FT-1000MP under contest conditions pass on the menu settings used? CW and SSB desired... 73, Jeff Maass ( Amateur Radio K8ND
Is there the equivilent of an 'Aux. Receiver Out' on the FT1000MP? I want to have the signal from the transmit antenna available on receive to attenuate and pass through a receive antenna switch alon
I noted in the December 1997 issue of QST that just arrived (on page 100) that a QSO must be completed and logged correctly by both stations for a legit QSO to have taken place in ARRL contests (ARRL
Folks: I am ready to submit by FTP my first log to ARRL since returning to contesting and starting to use NA (ARRL 160 Meter Contest). I have read the 'ARRL Contest Entry Options' page on the ARRL We
Buy a slug. I tend say that anyone who is truly interested in operating QRP on Topband is probably a trustworthy person, who's good-faith estimate of output based on whatever wattmeter is available i
I've listened to the Radio Shack model, but ended up buying the Sony version for $101 at a local Circuit City store. List is $150. Both are 900 MHz, but the Sony version is 'around the ear' rather th
I am in need of a copy of the Results for the 4th ARRL 160-Meter Contest, printed in the June 1974 issue of QST. This was my first ARRL 160 Meter Contest (of 20), and I'd like to have a copy in my no