As Dave/K8CC So eloquently put: "What I believe is needed is more local or regional recognition, or creative marketing by the clubs to get people on the air." cut -- The Tennessee Contest Group whole
You can expect anywhere from 20-25 db notch at the resonant frequency and surrounding for a particular stub length. You can also put two of them in parallel for more isolation. I have done this, and
Much more tolarant are the ICE units. I believe their rating is 200-300w. That is why I chose the 419 over the Dunestar (along with the fact that the ICE comes with the bandswitch standard). I have b
Don't forget that you can connect it to your logging program and then you can control the repeat time within the constraints of the program. -- Thomas M. Delker - K1KY CFO#395 - Smyrna / Gallatin / S
Rod, I am using the ICE Broadcast filters between my radios and amps (300w versions) and the low power versions in front of my beverages. They make two versions of each -- a 1.8Mhz cutoff and a 3.5mh
The Heil elements do not require power and also seem to have less output than the powered elements that most rigs are designed to use. I have an IC-706 which is helpless with any microphone and my Om
Get yourself and MFJ-259 Antenna analyzer, or borrow one from somebody. Then you check the cable for zero resistance, and notice the symmetry each side of zero to determine the exact center frequency
The Heil elements do not require power and also seem to have less output than the powered elements that most rigs are designed to use. I have an IC-706 which is helpless with any microphone and my Om
Get yourself and MFJ-259 Antenna analyzer, or borrow one from somebody. Then you check the cable for zero resistance, and notice the symmetry each side of zero to determine the exact center frequency
The Tennessee Contest Group is reviewing the ARRL Club limits regarding their contest club competition. There was a recent thread covering this topic, and I would be interested in what (if anything)
I would grab a handful of 2n2222's or better yet, opto-isolators and tie them to the band decoder driving the 419. Warm up your wire wrap tool! -- Thomas M. Delker - K1KY CFO#395 - Smyrna / Gallatin
The Tennessee Contest Group (A statewide/sectionwide) organization has encouraged it's members to submit their scores as a club effort regardless of the 175mi limitation for Medium/Unlimited category
Simply solder a piece of wire across L6. If you are interested in computer interface, you can find my solutions to that in the e-mail archives. Let me know if this solves your problem. 73, -- Thomas
And I have also heard it came from Seek-You! -- Thomas M. Delker - K1KY CFO#395 - Smyrna / Gallatin / Short Mtn. TN A.R.R.L. District Emergency Coordinator - Tennessee District #4 C.A.T.S. (W4CAT) -