Of course our behavior as a group is highly predictable, otherwise a variant of this discussion wouldn't recur each year... Every time the topic does comes up, one thing that strikes me is the degree
But there are plenty of locales, where as a vestigial artifact of colonialism the four day weekend is still a secular holiday even though it may not have any particular significance to a majority of
Limited Multioperator: a maximum of four bands used. (Logs from additional bands used, if any, should be included as checklogs.) From General Rules for ARRL Contests on Bands Above 50 MHz - http://ww
The contest period is specified as beginning 2100 UTC Saturday, and ending 0300 UTC Monday. Does that mean the contest period is 30 hours long like the rules say or is it be 30 hours and 1 minute lon
At 01:55 PM 1/18/04, W. Wright, W5XD wrote: Emergency and public service communications seem to be the thread of the article. That what it purports to be. I have a slightly different take on it. Thin
Jim, requirements for up by the program. It That rigor would appear to already be there, at least in public statements if not enforcement. The DXCC Program has characterized preemptive QSLing even wi
There'd be a price difference because... ? Michael Keane K1MK k1mk@arrl.net ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people. And it's just smart. http://www.peoplepc.com
I think you're right Pete, the big improvement in what Trey is proposing comes from challenging the log checkers (and maybe even the article writers) to turn things around ASAP rather than working to
It's unclear to which date that 45 day lead time is measured relative. The ad deadline for QST is something like 45 days prior to the date of issue so it makes sense if that was the editorial deadlin
Nine months ago one could have made the suggestion that the final SS scores be prepared and ready to go onto the Web site in mid-January rather than waiting until mid-April when the results article w
Well, I don't see what would be wrong with 21000.5 As long as you're keying waveform is reasonable and you're not sending faster than 100 wpm. ;-) No, that's not stated emphatically by anyone. In pra
Contests do not quickly or radically depart from their initial conception. Significant format and content changes are not unknown, but they are rare. Historically, organizations sponsoring contests a