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Total 26 documents matching your query.

21. Subjective view of C3(Force 12) (score: 1)
Author: (Charles Fulp) (Charles Fulp)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:34 2005
I purchased a used Force-12 C3 in the fall and was planning on replacing my 4 element 5 band quad (10-20) in the spring. When a director wire came unclipped, I decided to lower the 50 foot tower and
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-02/msg00551.html (9,041 bytes)

22. secrets (score: 1)
Author: (Charles Fulp) (Charles Fulp)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:35 2005
Most of the secrets have been well covered, So I will just add a few comments, starting with Treys excellent ideas. gusto to run people or crack pileups under given conditions on a given band is a re
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-02/msg00618.html (8,931 bytes)

23. Re: [CQ-Contest] A New Perspective [was:WRTC Spot/Log Correlation] (score: 1)
Author: Charles Fulp <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 00:40:44 +0000
I really like going over the ARRL DX contest database to study results, its much easier than going thru lots of categories looking for things. When I see someone new doing well, or someone coming on
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2006-09/msg00142.html (12,240 bytes)

24. [CQ-Contest] get rid of the Assisted Category (score: 1)
Author: Charles Fulp <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:12:15 +0000
Wow! lots of views on this one, many hitting on good points here and there, Jeff nailed it pretty well, as far as he took it. First, I hate the name "Assisted", I thought the original CQ "Unlimited"
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2006-12/msg00512.html (13,476 bytes)

25. Re: [CQ-Contest] Maximum Time Limit for S/O (score: 1)
Author: Charles Fulp <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 03:52:38 +0000
I enjoy going 45 to 48 hours 4 times a year, I prepare for them, I concentrate on what is needed to do it and live to send in the score. I had always heard that OLD people do not need as much sleep,
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2007-02/msg00372.html (10,700 bytes)

26. Re: [CQ-Contest] Does the KCDXC still do the pileup contest at Dayton? (score: 1)
Author: Charles Fulp <>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 14:15:14 -0400
Since the Pileup contest will be held in the USA, I have considered applying for use of packet &/or skimmer for all portions of the tape above 1500 Hz., under the reasonable accomodation clause of th
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2008-03/msg00579.html (9,161 bytes)

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