This discussion needs to keep in mind that moving the CW Sprint one weekend earlier will mean changing the SSB Sprint weekend also. I guess that would mean swapping them. That would mean losing most
I'm not at all sure that most of that RTTY in the bottom half of 30 meters is amateur. I think it was there when we got the band. Can someone who works RTTY tell us for sure? I have always believed t
I'd especially like to see the challenge taken up by the Canadian "call area." I heard and worked only three Canadians in the Sprint Saturday night (TNX, VX2AWR, VA3RU, VE5SF). I know from an e-mail
I suspect that French licensing officials have determined that TO4 is a designate call for Guadeloupe. The same as the FCC has determined the calls that are appropriate for its territorial (or non-co
Hi Syl: Unfortunately, for some of us, chewing gum is not a good solution because our teeth are prone to crack and break while chewing gum. Perhaps some other substance like frequent food snacks coul
Hello all: Next weekend will be the annual Ga QSO Party. We invite all hams to participate. There are many plaques, certificates, and special prizes, including QRP certificates. Georgia has the secon
Hello all: In about 27 hours, the Saturday session of the annual Georgia QSO Party will begin. It runs 18Z to 0359Z Saturday and 14Z to 2359Z Sunday. Many mobiles, portables, rovers, and fixed statio
Actually, the QSL rate for IARU contests is quite low. And a number are from the HQ stations and they may say no QSL is required. I have been reviewing my W4AN log from 2008 when I operated both mode
I am sure that I would operate ARRL SS CW with whatever I could get on the air that could be heard anywhere. I have had top ten finishes in the 1960s and in the 1990s and 2000s, but it hasn't taken t
If you don't exchange county name within zeroland, forget the county hunters to participate. If you are going to have a contest on that very busy weeekend, you should adopt an exchange that will be s
I think Belize has states. I read a new article recently about the Belize government sending in troops to a Belize state near the Mexican border trying to take control back from Mexican drug lords. I
Thinking of the potential QRM problem on the weekend of January 8 between RTTY RU and NAQP CW on 40M lead me to think of the mostly unused frequencies between 7100 and 7125 kHz. Having only recently
And may I suggest again that NAQP CW ops try 7100 to 7125 kHz if the QRM in the lower part of the band becomes too much for them? These frequencies are pretty much unused these days. Both CW and RTTY
Hello contesters: If you don't have a team for NA Sprint CW Saturday night, please let me know as soon as possible so I can fill up SECC teams. We need several more for a full team. No geographical l
Anyone interested in joining the SECC team of K4BAI, N4PN, NA4BW, and KU8E for NA Sprint this Saturday night, please e-mail me ASAP. I'd like to register the team late Friday or early Saturday. Thank
Maarten: Sorry, but you are incorrect. There is a limit of 6 band changes per hour 0-59 minutes. Three band changes and returns maximum. This is on the ARRL website under "General Rules for ARRL Cont
Hello all: This weekend will be the 50th GA QSO Party, the first one having been organized by Rusty Epps, K4BVD, now W6OAT in May, 1962. All information can be found at: Th
Hello all: One last reminder. 50th GA QSO Party this weekend. 18Z Sat to 04Z Sun; 14Z to 24Z Sun. All info at: We have commitments for operations from all of GA's 159 counties
Hello all: W4R/M with K4BAI and N4DU operating and driving alternatively got a 22 minute late start, but picked up a few QSOs in HARRis and MUSCogee Counties that hadn't been planned. We have made 84
Hello ham friends: I suspect that many of you don't have Bonaire, PJ4, the new DXCC entity confirmed on all bands and modes. Early tomorrow, May 24, Dick, K4IQJ, and I will fly down to the K2NG/PJ4G