I thought it was last weekend :-) (that's called TUNNEL vision) 73, Jim, K4OJ k4oj@tampabay.rr.com Special thanks to everyone who operated in the 1999 Florida QSO Party 1999, hope you had as much fun
In 1998 through inovative contest log checking software development by N6TR & N5KO, contesting was forever changed what a UNIQUE concept! 73, Jim, K4OJ k4oj@tampabay.rr.com Special thanks to everyone
I know - not again...well this time my wife bought me (or will be buying me) a Christmas present of an expansion board for the computer so that I can have more comm ports and do more neato stuff with
Maybe I'll try that next year, but can anyone tell me if double or queen bed springs are the better antenna??. recommend a stack, I mean bunk, bed..... 73- see you in the NAQP! de Jim White, K4OJ k4o
I am going to lose two Zone 9 mults in the CQ WW because two hotshot operators who should know better insisted, Sunday afternoon, that I was already in their log. C'mon, guys; I can screw up a call -
I hate getting into the swing of how things are supposed to work well after the contest has started, once again this happened this weekend...it was about three hours in that I got the rhythm goin'...
"Perhaps two of them could be "log-less" contests with claimed results posted only on 3830 and the Conest Reflector." .....so that is how we can finally whup up on N5TJ, my score for the new NAQP: 15
"Are there many 440's being used for a 2nd radio." .......I am still using olde faithful , a TS430 as the second rig - the run rig has bells and whistles and computer interface but the S&P rig, well.
I agree Bud - but only if you get on like the olde days....careful tho - I understand that N6RO has been using two radios! .....the CD Parties live on in my memories, I cannot imagine how many memoie
de W4AN form the CQ-Contest reflector: "I prefer to channel my energy toward creating more teams and more participation for the events we already have organized." ....crap this is twice this year I h
"Recently some people got really, really smart and figured out that a "6 band change per hour rule" would be functionaly equivalent to a "ten minute rule" and successfully sold their idea to the ARRL
This brings up an interesting question. What if you're not "in" the contest, but casually "giving points" for an hour or two? Is it then OK to run above the contest power limit? I will admit to runni
....it was only after the last running of the NAQP when I was able to use two radios more that I realized the beauty of this contest - lack-o-interference! Big difference between bulletproofing the s
Interesting observation, Bob... For years now I have been using assorted nicknames in the NAQP and NAS contests...it is interesting to see what comes back, with the advent of TR log a new breed has c
Nope.... Not the issue.... If you are one set of gray cells and you are attacking a contest within the restrictions of your license and you are abiding by the rules and spirit of the contest -AND- yo
The Florida Contest Gorup is pleased to announce the re-birth of the Florida QSO Party. Contest column editors, please acknowledge your receipt of this message. Please feel free to share this informa
" believe the correct answer is not more *categories* but more *information* in the writeups" ..........when he is right he is right! Unfortunately demands on magazine space by competing elements wit
"I'd like someone to tell me one advantage of contesting from the west coast." K4OJ predicts: ...the worlds largest country is learning about technology, and someday it will be home to a very VERY la
Several thoughts...on need for new software being a necessity.... Something I do not know enough about but that keeps resurfacing over and over again is the inavailability of IRQs on the newer machin
"The problem is that we are still working Texas no matter what band we're on! All east coasters should refuse to work more than 1 Texan...then THEY'LL be buying the Lone Star :) ...dunno about up in