Ron Notarius W3WN wrote: "Guys, if we make it too complicated for the casual operator, the casual operator will not participate." After reading most of the thread, pertaining to this issue, someone h
Tom Frenaye wrote: "It matters. The rules say so." And the rules also say: "The last 2 digits of the year of first license for either the operator or the station.", along with "The same Check must be
Saturday May 16, 2009 1200-1300 Room 3 The Dayton RTTY forum will have a panel discussion on how best to accommodate the diversity of participants in RTTY contests. The vast majority of participants
Michael Keane K1MK wrote: "Who's going to let a Novice single-op from their superstation, anyway? ;-)" Me, because he is my son, KB4DOV C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW ___________________________________________
Marc Domen wrote: "Don't forget, the majority of points the big guns get comes from an every day amateur with limited means." Finally, someone has spoken for the vast majority, otherwise known as the
Felipe J Hernandez wrote: "if you ask me, "contest like" 1D's ruin the fun." IMHO, not necessarily? How about the, "fun" that the 1D operators have? Not everyone, myself included, is inclined to oper
"KR2Q makes the recommendation that we all switch to USB on 40." If "we" all switch to USB on 40, it's going to get pretty lonely after "we" work each other. Please, never forget it's not "we" that m
K5ZD wrote: "I would drop my sending speed to match that of the station that called and send the exchange. It is far more efficient to slow down and send everything once, than send bits and pieces mu
You're invited to join in on the KY QSO Party fun, this weekend. KY QSO Party runs from 1400 UTC, November 14, until 0200 UTC, November. 15. Complete rules may be found . If your wrote: "If the casual operator does not know their exact location, they can leave the radio off." IMHO, this type of attitude is exactly what is NOT needed? Without the "casual" parti
Rick Lindquist, WW3DE wrote; "Regarding post-contest log checking, I don't feel it's "cheating" to proofread all the entries looking for typos and the like - entering "O" when I really meant to enter
Saturday, May 15 from 12:00 to 01:00 in room 3. RTTY from the Stanford University Amateur Radio Club station W6YX. The Stanford University club station W6YX has a history dating back to the 1920's, b
K2DSL wrote"In a phone pileup" What I've gathered, from this discussion: "stay away from phone contests:? But that doesn't always work, either, and I'm constantly mistaken for my friend, K3WW! C'Ya, wrote: "I wonder how many of the "1D" stations who called you just happened onto your frequency while S & Ping, and called you without realizing that you were also a "1D"?" Several y wrote: "I recall this same issue from the RTTY Roundup" Since the participation continues to grow, each year, I don't see it as an "issue"? "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" C'Ya, She
N0AX wrote: "The word "Assisted" is too broad. That's why the ARRL is gradually changing over to the word "Unlimited" so that this misdirected argument about "assistance" doesn't come up over and ove
Me thinks that the proverbial "can of worms" is completely open, and the worms will all surely get away. Happy Holidays, y'all C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW _______________________________________________ CQ-C
Ken Widelitz wrote: "Actually, these new rules make a lot of sense. The requirements are minimally intrusive. Much less so than a referee in the shack." First, let me say that this is one contest tha
1200 PM -- 1300 PM Saturday 21 May in room 3. Mike, K4GMH will be the presenter, and the program, A History Of RTTY Contesting, will include: Today's various RTTY contests have evolved from the first
If you're driving to Dayton, and your plans include using I-75 in Northern KY, you should find this useful reading: The portion described as the biggest headache