Greetings Diddlers! Well the upcoming weekend looks like another short vocal cord test (or perhaps a test of your DVK) with the SSB Sprint, but there is a good selection of alternate modes for everyo
Greetings Diddlers! OK, we've all been practicing for a whole year: let's see who has their 'A' game ready. RTTY Sprint Ladder begins this week. We have five sessions scheduled, and we'll use the bes
Greetings Diddlers! First week of the Ladder had reasonable turnout. This will be week 2 of 5, but remember you only need 3 scores in the 5 weeks, so if you missed last week now is the time to jump i
Greetings Diddlers! Looks like week 2 was reasonably active (sorry, I was navigating Highway 5 in a big truck!). Welcome back to WT2P who added a multiplier to the mix. The remaining dates after this
Greetings Diddlers! Week 3 had our usual collection of stations plus a number of folks that were likely tuning up for the real Sprint on Saturday. Welcome to K4DXV, KI0I, N4STG, and probably some oth
Greetings Diddlers! Week 4 had some good activity, with K4DXV getting into the groove his second week. As mentioned before, this week's session is not part of the current Ladder series due to prepara
Greetings Diddlers! Well I hope everyone used their chance this last weekend to work all the W6s you've ever wanted. Conditions were down from last year, but fun appears to have been had by all. I ho
Buy a $10 USB sound dongle and plug it in. Just be sure the dongle has a stereo input. Use the line out from the radios to record. Ken K6MR Does anyone have much experience with this? I use N1MM+ I'd
There are lots of them on Ebay and such. Although I dont have a laptop, I do use 3 of them because my desktop is a small form factor model with limited plug in cards. As far as heard by the operator,
Greetings Diddlers! The Ladder series has been completed, and a big thanks to everyone who kept things going. I know that with limited stations it is difficult to keep everyone interested and partici
As a convert from N1MM to (which is very similar to Win-Test) I found N1MM to be too mouse-centric. Turning options on/off, changing messages, seemed to always require opening some form fro
Greetings Diddlers! Well I see you get your choice of contests this weekend (as long as you want CQWW SSB). You don't often see the schedule quite that empty. If you'd like a little RTTY time before
Greetings Diddlers! I trust everyone is recovering from the weekend. Thank goodness for the DVK! This upcoming weekend also looks a little thin, but there is the Russian MultiMode test this weekend s
Greetings Diddlers! Yes, yes, Sweepstakes is this weekend so that is the focus for the week. But you've already got things all setup, right? Everything is ready to go and you have nothing to do but s
Greetings Diddlers! Pleased to work many of the NS/NS RTTY regulars this last weekend, hope all had a great time. This upcoming weekend has one of the big RTTY tests of the year (WAE), so if you need
Greetings Diddlers! Yes, it's Sweepstakes weekend coming up again. For those with strong voices or good DVKs that's pretty much it for the weekend. If you'd like a non-vocal diversion before the week
Greetings Diddlers! Well this week will begin the holiday season of Thursday nights, with Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve all on Thursday. A big NS RTTY welcome to Kevin, VE6QO and Co
Greetings Diddlers! Now that the contest season is in full bloom the weekends are starting to fill up. Not one but TWO RTTY contests this upcoming weekend, with the ARRL 160 thrown in for good measur
Greetings Diddlers! Well that was certainly a full weekend just past. Between all-nighters on 160 and two days of RTTY there was something for everyone. We had a pretty good turnout last week, no dou
Greetings Diddlers! Plenty of choices this upcoming weekend, including the OK DX RTTY. Something for everyone. Please join us this Thursday evening (in NA) for a bit of sprint diddling: Friday, 18 De