I have been assembling a large group of web resources for contesting. www.k8zt.com/contesting There are over 100 links including: - Calendars/Contest Schedules - Propagation, Spotting, Band Mapping -
Here is a link <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSzzfaWgOoaVkTYCe8ebU4mci4R9di_URZl4m6eAB0QiczVmBv6BNv9GlEndsBd1_mHMHIEsXBFuLco/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000> to my presenta
http://hamprojects.info/mortty/ -- *Anthony Luscre* *K8ZT* Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio a@k8zt.com (best for Education & Tec
I would strongly suggest that you all provide feedback to the Winter FD group at their site pointing out the negative aspects of their decisionwfda@winterfieldday.com -- *Anthony Luscre* *K8ZT* Assis
WPX US Prefixes Looking logs US station 2018 entries: There were 1393 unique prefixes 254 of 1393 had only one callsign with that prefix entering Twenty most common: K4 41 W4 30 K6 29 K2 27 W6 25 W7
I prepared a presentation for ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention that was canceled last week- "Software & Web Resources for Contesting". Although designed for contesting newbies it might still be o
For those participating/following State QSO Party Challenge, I have put together a spreadsheet that "scrapes" results from 3830 pagehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSHb3awDcyNLJGYEFmr
Is there a suggested frequency list for FT8 & FT4 for each band outside of usual FT8/FT4 frequencies? -- *Anthony Luscre* *K8ZT* Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach ARRL - The Natio
I did a presentation for *QSO Today Expo* that touches on some of these issues*"Choosing Your Ideal Callsign"* - Video- https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/player.html?link=NTI2MTQyODk0 - Slideshow- tiny
Glad to see a contest that includes 160 and 6 Meters! -- *Anthony Luscre* *K8ZT* Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio a@k8zt.com (be